Henri Bal Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Faculty of Sciences DAS-1 DAS-2 DAS-3
Outline Introduction DAS-1, DAS-2, DAS-3 systems Impact of DAS Collaborations with -VL-e -SURFnet -Grid’5000 New users
Distributed ASCI Supercomputer Joint infrastructure of ASCI research school Clusters integrated in a single distributed testbed Long history (10 years) and continuity
DAS is a Computer Science grid Motivation: CS needs its own infrastructure for -Systems research and experimentation -Distributed experiments -Doing many small, interactive experiments DAS is simpler and more homogeneous than other grids -Single operating system -“A simple grid that works’’
Typical heterogeneous Grid
DAS-1 ( ) VU (128)Amsterdam (24) Leiden (24)Delft (24) 6 Mb/s ATM Configuration 200 MHz Pentium Pro MB memory 2.5 GB local disk Myrinet interconnect BSDI => Redhat Linux
DAS-2 ( ) VU (72)Amsterdam (32) Leiden (32) Delft (32) SURFnet 1 Gb/s Utrecht (32) Configuration two 1 GHz Pentium-3s >= 1 GB memory GB disk Myrinet interconnect Redhat Enterprise Linux Globus 3.2 PBS => Sun Grid Engine
DAS-3 Procedure NWO proposal (ASCI, VL-e, MultimediaN), Sep’04 Funding from NWO/NCF, Apr’05 Steering group + implementation group European tender (with Stratix and TUD/GIS) Selected ClusterVision, Apr’06 Optical wide-area network by SURFnet (GigaPort-NG project)
VU (85) TU Delft (68)Leiden (32) UvA/MultimediaN (46) UvA/VL-e (40) DAS-3DAS-3 dual AMD Opterons 4 GB memory GB disk More heterogeneous: GHz Single/dual core nodes Myrinet-10G (exc. Delft) Gigabit Ethernet Scientific Linux 4 Globus, SGE SURFnet6 10 Gb/s lambdas
Outline Introduction DAS-1, DAS-2, DAS-3 systems Impact of DAS Collaborations with -VL-e -SURFnet -Grid’5000 New users
Usage of DAS ~200 users, 34 Ph.D. theses Clear shift of interest: Cluster computing Distributed computing Grids & peer-to-peer computing Virtual laboratories for e-Science
Opening workshops DAS-1 opening (1998): -only 1 talk (VU) about distributed computing DAS-2 opening (2002): -only 1 talk (VU) about local computing DAS-3 opening (NOW): -talks about grids, e-Science, optical networks, international embedding, distributed multimedia computing, P2P/gossiping, co-allocating Grid Scheduler
Impact of DAS Major incentive for VL-e 20 M€ BSIK funding - Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Collaboration SURFnet on DAS-3 -SURFnet provides multiple 10 Gb/s light paths Collaboration with French Grid’5000 -Towards a European scale CS grid? Grid’5000
VL-e: Virtual Laboratory for e-Science
Some VL-e results VLAM-G workflow system KOALA scheduler (see Mohamed’s talk) Zorilla peer-to-peer system (see Drost’s talk) Java-centric grid computing (see demo) -Ibis: Grid communication library -Satin: divide&conquer on grids -JavaGAT: Gridlab Application Toolkit Applications of Ibis, Satin, JavaGAT: -Automatic grammar learning (UvA) -Protein identification (AMOLF) -Brain image analysis (VUmc)
SURFnet6 4 DAS-3 sites happen to be on Subnetwork 1 (olive green) Only VU needs extra connection Source: Erik-Jan Bos
Adding 10G waves for DAS-3 Band 5 added at all participating nodes WSS added for reconfigurability “Spur” to connect VU Full photonic mesh possible Source: Erik-Jan Bos Also see De Laat’s talk “spur” – hardwired connections WSS UvA Leiden Delft MultiMedian VU
International grid experiments Distributed supercomputing on GridLab -Real speedups on a very heterogeneous testbed Crossgrid experiments -N-body simulations (astronomy) -Grid-based interactive visualization of medical images
Grid’5000 Grenoble Rennes Lyon Toulouse Sophia Orsay Bordeaux Grid’5000
Optical 10 Gb/sec link between Paris and Amsterdam, funded by VL-e See Cappello’s talk (and CCGrid2007) Connecting DAS-3 and Grid’5000
Users of DAS-3 ASCI, VL-e MultimediaN -See MultimediaN talk + demo NWO projects -StarPlane, JADE-MM, GUARD-G, VEARD, GRAPE Grid, SCARIe, AstroStream, CellMath,MesoScale, ….. NCF projects (off-peak hours)
New users DAS is intended primarily for computer scientists from ASCI, VL-e, MultimediaN How do we define “Computer Scientist”? Need a light-weight admission test …
Proposed test There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't. = Pass as Computer Scientist Source:
Acknowledgements Lex Wolters Dick Epema Cees de Laat Frank Seinstra Erik-Jan Bos Henk van der Vorst Andy Tanenbaum Bob Hertzberger Henk Sips Aad van der Steen Many others NWO NCF SURFnet VL-e MultimediaN VU, UvA, TUD, Leiden ASCI ClusterVision TUD/GIS Stratix
Special acknowledgement …. Reasons why DAS is ``a simple grid that works’’ 1) simple, homogeneous design 2) Kees Verstoep