Clayton Heights Secondary Grade 9 Take Our Kids to Work Mr. Fisher Grade 9 Take Our Kids to Work Mr. Fisher
Take Our Kids to Work Day Grade 9 Assembly Thursday, October 17 th, TOKW Introduction 2. TOKW Model at Clayton Heights 4. TOKW Day a) Students Role b) Parent/guardians Role c) Employers Role d) Block C Teachers Role 5. Process a) Permission Package b) TOKW Package c) Reflective Package 6. WorksafeBC Grade 9 Assembly Thursday, October 17 th, TOKW Introduction 2. TOKW Model at Clayton Heights 4. TOKW Day a) Students Role b) Parent/guardians Role c) Employers Role d) Block C Teachers Role 5. Process a) Permission Package b) TOKW Package c) Reflective Package 6. WorksafeBC
Take Our Kids to Work Take Our Kids to Work is a national program of The Learning Partnership and has existed since More than 1.5 million young Canadians and tens of thousands of workplaces have participated in the program.
On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, hundreds of thousands of Grade nine students will spend the day at workplaces across Canada. Students will experience a wide variety of job and career options including what it takes to be a paramedic, work on a makeshift assembly line, develop a mock sales presentation or work in the IT department for a large corporation. When?? Where??? …
Why? … The Take Our Kids to Work program illustrates the importance of education, skills development and training while giving students the opportunity to experience the world of work and the variety of career opportunities that await them.
Who??? The Take Our Kids to Work program enables the entire community – students, parents, teachers, school districts and employers - to play an important role in the career development of young Canadians.
…more about TOKW… Take Our Kids to Work will celebrate its 14th anniversary in Take Our Kids to Work is supported by every province and territory in Canada. Take Our Kids to Work will celebrate its 14th anniversary in Take Our Kids to Work is supported by every province and territory in Canada.
The Learning Partnership Take Our Kids to Work Highlights
Clayton Heights TOKW Model Grade 9 Assembly Permission Package (Tuesday, October 24 th, 2008) TOKW Placement Package (Wednesday November 5 st, 2008) Worksafe Checklist TOKW Workplace Questionnaire Pictures Debrief/Return TOKW Package (Thursday November 6 nd,2008) TOKW Certificate Grade 9 Assembly Permission Package (Tuesday, October 24 th, 2008) TOKW Placement Package (Wednesday November 5 st, 2008) Worksafe Checklist TOKW Workplace Questionnaire Pictures Debrief/Return TOKW Package (Thursday November 6 nd,2008) TOKW Certificate
Permission Package Tuesday, October 24 th, 2008 Tuesday, October 24 th, 2008
To All Secondary School Principals Re: Declaration of November 5, 2008 – Take Our Kids to Work Day The annual Take Our Kids to Work day takes place on Wednesday, November 1st during Canada Career Week. Once again, Grade 9 students will have the opportunity of participating in this job shadow (hands-off) experience thanks to the support and assistance of the Learning Partnership of Canada. Approximately 3500 Grade 9 students from the Surrey School District along with thousands of students throughout Canada will accompany parents/guardians to the workplace during this event. The primary objective of Take Our Kids to Work day is to link classroom learning with the workplace and to enhance students understanding of the jobs in their community. It allows students to see their parents in different roles, and to help them understand what their parents do to support a family. For the community, it emphasizes that education goes beyond the classroom and that the preparation of younger generations is a community responsibility. The theme of Take Our Kids to Work 2008 is Essential Skills for Success. These are skills for work, learning and life. The Learning Partnership is committed to working in collaboration with educators, parents, workplaces and government to promote the importance of transferable skills. In support of this educational opportunity, the Board of Trustees passed a motion on September 28, 2006 declaring Wednesday, November 5, 2008 as Take Our Kids to Work day. It was recommended that this event be publicized throughout the school district as this initiative allows the entire community – parents, teachers, and members of the business sector – to play an important role in the career development of Grade 9 students. * Resources for Take Our Kids to Work day can be viewed and downloaded from In addition to the resources included, you can also print, from the noted website, Parent & Workplace Guide sample brochures for promoting Take Our Kids to Work day to parents and employers. The curriculum material has been written for in-class projects and assignments to support the day and make the experience more meaningful for the students. The health and safety of the students has been emphasized throughout the resource material noting this is a hands-off day. Important note: It is up to the students/parents/employers to arrange the job shadow placements, and students must have their parents/guardian permission to participate; Take Our Kids to Work is a job shadowing hands-off activity, not work experience. Since this is not considered a school-arranged work placement, there is no WCB coverage provided to participating students; Schools should advise parents/guardians who participate that they are responsible for the safety of their children while at the workplace. Thank you for your assistance at this time. I am sure it will be a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Sincerely yours, Mike McKay Superintendent of Schools The annual Take Our Kids to Work day takes place on Wednesday, November 1st during Canada Career Week. Once again, Grade 9 students will have the opportunity of participating in this job shadow (hands-off) experience thanks to the support and assistance of the Learning Partnership of Canada. Approximately 3500 Grade 9 students from the Surrey School District along with thousands of students throughout Canada will accompany parents/guardians to the workplace during this event. The primary objective of Take Our Kids to Work day is to link classroom learning with the workplace and to enhance students understanding of the jobs in their community. It allows students to see their parents in different roles, and to help them understand what their parents do to support a family. For the community, it emphasizes that education goes beyond the classroom and that the preparation of younger generations is a community responsibility. The theme of Take Our Kids to Work 2008 is Essential Skills for Success. These are skills for work, learning and life. The Learning Partnership is committed to working in collaboration with educators, parents, workplaces and government to promote the importance of transferable skills. In support of this educational opportunity, the Board of Trustees passed a motion on September 28, 2006 declaring Wednesday, November 5, 2008 as Take Our Kids to Work day. It was recommended that this event be publicized throughout the school district as this initiative allows the entire community – parents, teachers, and members of the business sector – to play an important role in the career development of Grade 9 students. * Resources for Take Our Kids to Work day can be viewed and downloaded from In addition to the resources included, you can also print, from the noted website, Parent & Workplace Guide sample brochures for promoting Take Our Kids to Work day to parents and employers. The curriculum material has been written for in-class projects and assignments to support the day and make the experience more meaningful for the students. The health and safety of the students has been emphasized throughout the resource material noting this is a hands-off day. Important note: It is up to the students/parents/employers to arrange the job shadow placements, and students must have their parents/guardian permission to participate; Take Our Kids to Work is a job shadowing hands-off activity, not work experience. Since this is not considered a school-arranged work placement, there is no WCB coverage provided to participating students; Schools should advise parents/guardians who participate that they are responsible for the safety of their children while at the workplace. Thank you for your assistance at this time. I am sure it will be a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Sincerely yours, Mike McKay Superintendent of Schools
Highlight Comments: Board of Trustees passed a motion on September 28, 2006 declaring Wednesday, November 5, 2008 as Take Our Kids to Work day Highlight Comments: Board of Trustees passed a motion on September 28, 2006 declaring Wednesday, November 5, 2008 as Take Our Kids to Work day
The primary objective of Take Our Kids to Work day is to link classroom learning with the workplace and to enhance students understanding of the jobs in their community
The theme of Take Our Kids to Work 2008 is: Essential Skills for Success. The theme of Take Our Kids to Work 2008 is: Essential Skills for Success.
Essential Skills For Success Reading Text Document Use Numeracy Writing Oral Communication Working with Others Thinking Skills Computer Skills Continuous Learning Reading Text Document Use Numeracy Writing Oral Communication Working with Others Thinking Skills Computer Skills Continuous Learning
Curriculum material has been written for in-class projects and assignments to support the day and make the experience more meaningful for the students Worksafe Checklist TOKW Questionnaire Curriculum material has been written for in-class projects and assignments to support the day and make the experience more meaningful for the students Worksafe Checklist TOKW Questionnaire
Grade 9 students will have the opportunity of participating in this job shadow (hands-off) experience
Take Our Kids to Work is a job shadowing hands-off activity, not work experience. Since this is not considered a school-arranged work placement, there is no WCB coverage provided to participating students
Schools should advise parents/guardians who participate that they are responsible for the safety of their children while at the workplace.
How is this going to happen? TOKW PERMISSION FORM Please complete and return this form to your Block C teacher by October 24, 2008 TOKW PERMISSION FORM Please complete and return this form to your Block C teacher by October 24, 2008
TOKW PERMISSION FORM PART I – STUDENT I would like to investigate an occupation on Wednesday, November 5, I agree to arrive at the specified time and to abide by all of the rules at the workplace. I understand that I am under the authority of the adult I am accompanying to work. School Name Designated Teacher Name (Block C) Student Name Student SignatureDate: PART I – STUDENT I would like to investigate an occupation on Wednesday, November 5, I agree to arrive at the specified time and to abide by all of the rules at the workplace. I understand that I am under the authority of the adult I am accompanying to work. School Name Designated Teacher Name (Block C) Student Name Student SignatureDate:
TOKW PERMISSION FORM PART II – PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION I understand that there are risks associated with my child visiting a workplace. My child will bring a lunch. Yes ____ No ____ My child may participate, but I am unable to have my child accompany me. My child has been given permission to participate if the school can arrange a suitable placement. Yes _____ No _____. A colleague at my work would be willing to host another student. Colleagues Name: __________________________ Telephone: _________________________ My child may be photographed, interviewed, or videotaped on this day. Yes _____ No _____ My child has my permission to participate in this program. In the event that my child Does not abide by the workplace rules. I can be reached at (___)____-_____ and I will be that my child gets home safely, at my expense. PART II – PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION I understand that there are risks associated with my child visiting a workplace. My child will bring a lunch. Yes ____ No ____ My child may participate, but I am unable to have my child accompany me. My child has been given permission to participate if the school can arrange a suitable placement. Yes _____ No _____. A colleague at my work would be willing to host another student. Colleagues Name: __________________________ Telephone: _________________________ My child may be photographed, interviewed, or videotaped on this day. Yes _____ No _____ My child has my permission to participate in this program. In the event that my child Does not abide by the workplace rules. I can be reached at (___)____-_____ and I will be that my child gets home safely, at my expense.
TOKW PERMISSION FORM Elements of Risk: All experiential learning programs, such as field trips, co-operative education, job shadowing and Take Our Kids to Work, involve certain elements of risk. Injuries may occur while participating in this activity without any fault to the student, the school board, or the host employer. By allowing your child to take part in this activity, you are accepting the risk that your child may be injured. For more information see the recommendations for the Workplace Health and Safety on The Take Our Kids to Work website at I have reviewed the Elements of Risk section above with my child. Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________ Date: _________________ Student Signature: __________________________________________ _______________ Elements of Risk: All experiential learning programs, such as field trips, co-operative education, job shadowing and Take Our Kids to Work, involve certain elements of risk. Injuries may occur while participating in this activity without any fault to the student, the school board, or the host employer. By allowing your child to take part in this activity, you are accepting the risk that your child may be injured. For more information see the recommendations for the Workplace Health and Safety on The Take Our Kids to Work website at I have reviewed the Elements of Risk section above with my child. Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________ Date: _________________ Student Signature: __________________________________________ _______________
TOKW PERMISSION FORM PART III – WORKPLACE INFORMATION: I will be taking _______________________________ (name of student) to work on November 5, 2008 and acknowledge that the student will be under my supervision for the hours indicated. Name: Occupation: Relationship to student: Parent/Guardian Relative Neighbor Friend Place of EmploymentAddress: The student will be present at my work place between the hours of ________ and _______ on November 5, My work place is willing to provide a placement for _______ additional Grade 9 students. Signature: Date: PART III – WORKPLACE INFORMATION: I will be taking _______________________________ (name of student) to work on November 5, 2008 and acknowledge that the student will be under my supervision for the hours indicated. Name: Occupation: Relationship to student: Parent/Guardian Relative Neighbor Friend Place of EmploymentAddress: The student will be present at my work place between the hours of ________ and _______ on November 5, My work place is willing to provide a placement for _______ additional Grade 9 students. Signature: Date:
TOKW Placement Package Wednesday November 5 th, 2008 Worksafe Checklist TOKW Questionnaire Pictures Wednesday November 5 th, 2008 Worksafe Checklist TOKW Questionnaire Pictures
Health and Career Education (HACE) Range of injuries and accidents that can occur on the job
Health and Career Education (HACE) Using safe and personal protective equipment
Health and Career Education (HACE) Ways of reducing risk and injury on the job
Health and Career Education (HACE) The right to refuse unsafe work
Health and Career Education (HACE) Knowing how to access first aid and other emergency assistance
November 1 st, 2006 Worksafe Checklist
TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK WORKSAFE CHECKLIST Students name Supervisors name Work site employer (Name of business) Work Site /Fax Address Phone Teacher Need to answer the following questions: Students name Supervisors name Work site employer (Name of business) Work Site /Fax Address Phone Teacher Need to answer the following questions:
TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK WORKSAFE CHECKLIST 1. I was given an orientation regarding workplace safety. 2. Hazards and risks specific to this workplace were identified during this orientation. 3. I have reviewed the fire exits and fire drill with my employer. 4. I know the location of the fire extinguisher and alarm. Describe location. 1. I was given an orientation regarding workplace safety. 2. Hazards and risks specific to this workplace were identified during this orientation. 3. I have reviewed the fire exits and fire drill with my employer. 4. I know the location of the fire extinguisher and alarm. Describe location.
TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK WORKSAFE CHECKLIST 5. I know where the incident report forms are stored. Describe location. 6. I have reviewed worksite policies on dealing with robberies (if applicable). 7. When in doubt about how to do something safely, I will ask before I begin. 8. I have reviewed worksite policies on how to deal with shoplifting (if applicable). 5. I know where the incident report forms are stored. Describe location. 6. I have reviewed worksite policies on dealing with robberies (if applicable). 7. When in doubt about how to do something safely, I will ask before I begin. 8. I have reviewed worksite policies on how to deal with shoplifting (if applicable).
TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK WORKSAFE CHECKLIST 9. I have reviewed the common risks of this job with my employer. 10. Have you been made aware of any potential dangers or hazards? Describe. 11. I know who I should report workplace hazards / injuries. 12. I know where the First Aid Station is located. Describe location. 9. I have reviewed the common risks of this job with my employer. 10. Have you been made aware of any potential dangers or hazards? Describe. 11. I know who I should report workplace hazards / injuries. 12. I know where the First Aid Station is located. Describe location.
TOKW Workplace Questionnaire
TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK QUESTIONAIRE Name of person you are following. Name of Company/organization of your host. How long has your host been in this profession? List 2 educational requirements (if applicable) for this job. Name of person you are following. Name of Company/organization of your host. How long has your host been in this profession? List 2 educational requirements (if applicable) for this job.
TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK QUESTIONAIRE List 3 skill requirements for this job What is the service or product provide by the organization? Is the company/organization local, provincial, national or international? What is the main target group of the company/organization? List 3 skill requirements for this job What is the service or product provide by the organization? Is the company/organization local, provincial, national or international? What is the main target group of the company/organization?
TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK QUESTIONAIRE What is the main target group of the company/organization? Approximately how many employees work here? List 3 major employee befits (if applicable) from the company/organization. Describe your hosts typical day. STUDENTS REFLECTION EMPLOYER COMMENTS What is the main target group of the company/organization? Approximately how many employees work here? List 3 major employee befits (if applicable) from the company/organization. Describe your hosts typical day. STUDENTS REFLECTION EMPLOYER COMMENTS
What Students Get Out of the Program? Learn important of staying in school Skills required in todays job market Appreciation of your parents role in making a living Discussing careers with parents and other adults Connection between education and your future Connecting the complexity of career choices and the importance of early exploration Chance to explore careers in a more practical way Learn important of staying in school Skills required in todays job market Appreciation of your parents role in making a living Discussing careers with parents and other adults Connection between education and your future Connecting the complexity of career choices and the importance of early exploration Chance to explore careers in a more practical way
What Employers Get Out of the Program? Showcase their organization Highlight the range of jobs available Opportunity to acknowledge employees as parents Build community spirit and workplace pride Workplace and schools sharing in promoting and supporting continuous learning for young people Showcase their organization Highlight the range of jobs available Opportunity to acknowledge employees as parents Build community spirit and workplace pride Workplace and schools sharing in promoting and supporting continuous learning for young people
Take Our Kids to Work whats next …
Tuesday October 24 th, 2008 Please return your Permission Form Please return your Permission Form
Tuesday, October 31 st, 2008 You will be given your TOKW Package You will be given your TOKW Package
Wednesday, November 5 th, 2008 First thing … do your Worksafe Checklist Complete your TOKW Workplace Questionnaire Pictures …pictures …and more pictures First thing … do your Worksafe Checklist Complete your TOKW Workplace Questionnaire Pictures …pictures …and more pictures
Thursday, November 6 nd, 2008 Return to Block C Teachers: Workplace Safety Checklist TOKW Workplace Questionnaire Pictures …pictures …and more pictures Return to Block C Teachers: Workplace Safety Checklist TOKW Workplace Questionnaire Pictures …pictures …and more pictures
Finally … TOKW Certificate are available if you are interested TOKW Certificate are available if you are interested
TOKW Certificate