Multimedia Authoring II Pieter Jan Prijs & Pim van den Broek
MarioKart VRML 3D Kart game, where you can race against other karts. VR ML
Implementing sequence Design and implement a 3D track Design an avatar and make it possible to drive Implement computer players Implement user-track creating Implement multi-user support Implement easter eggs
Design and implement a 3D track We will use a grid to represent the track Features: Difference in height Tunnels through water Bridges over water [more to come]
Design an avatar and make it possible to drive First: how to drive? Second: we need to design a good avatar.
AI in the game 7 computer-players, different strategies. Example strategies: Follow the first Irritate other players (crash into them) Drive as fast as you can without crashing in the turns [suggestions?]
End Any questions?