Concluding remarks of the 2 nd DEB symposium 2011 Lisbon Bas Kooijman Dept theoretical biology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


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Presentation transcript:

Concluding remarks of the 2 nd DEB symposium 2011 Lisbon Bas Kooijman Dept theoretical biology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Lisbon, 2011/04/15

Aims of DEB research Biology physics-style theory-inspired experimental research Multi-disciplinary, multi-scale molecules ↔ individual ↔ system earth Problem-solving oriented rather than problem-reporting

Weaknesses of DEB theory Poor data for sensitive tests Poor penetration in other fields Long learning curve ↔ specialization

Developments in DEB research Supra-individual linking to transport, (geo)chemical models, canonical communities Individual plants, starvation, biophysical/nutrition biology, (chemical) perturbation, life engine Sub-individual biochemical modules, syntrophy Applications bioproduction, conservation, environ risk, climate change, medicine Links with economics

Add my pet Further development of estimation method Software, elasticity's, Bayesian methods, tests on physical possibility Quality improvement of existing collection Extension of collection: research proposals Data base Quality control & stimulation commission Ideas & volunteers: Increase of completeness: simulation of DEB-oriented experimental research Extension to other DEB models V0,V1-morphs, mixtures Analysis of parameter patterns Inclusion of these patterns in estimation method

Many tanks for the IST team Sónia Barbosa Tânia Sousa Tiago Domingos Gonçalo Marques Nuno Sarmento Vera Silva Carlos Teixeira

DEB course/symposium 2009 Ifremer, Plouzané, Bretagne, France Host: Marianne Alunno-Bruscia

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