We are groups of senior forester (Former CEOs) from Forest Industry organization (F.I.O) and Royal Forest Department (RFD). Our teams are corporate with senior Thai Banker and Renewable Energy business in Thailand Thai Teak Timberland Project Reference : teca.com/category/%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%A1%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%AA %E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%81/thaiteak-code-and-tree-bondhttp:// teca.com/category/%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%A1%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%AA %E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%81/thaiteak-code-and-tree-bond
Domestic Thai teak logs price (F.I.O Teak) are lower than International teak price 30 % Farmers Teak Trees price are lower than F.I.O Teak price 50 % Farmers Teak Land are lower than City land 500 % Prefab House and Teak Furniture for export market are very positive for Profit making. Gap Analysis
1. Buy F.I.O Teak Trees (35-40 year old) 2. Buy Farmers Teak (Land + Teak Trees 16 year old) 3. Development Industry and Market for Thai Teak Plantation. (Teak Trading Hub.) Teak Bank Project
1. Sell Teak Timberland (Teak Land worth Project) 2. Sell Teak Trees as Tree Bond. 3.Export Prefab House for International Market. Teak Bond Project
Environmentally, healthy for the planet and capital gain Stable long term return project and require little capital As trees grow, their marketable timber volume increases Portfolio hedge against more volatile markets : global currency, inflation and interest rates fluctuations. For future carbon accreditation markets : Fast growing species, high carbon sequestration, increasing demand with global populations booming in the future Thai Teak Timberland Project ( CONTACT NOW )