Welcome to The Lab The role for radical innovation to prepare for an Ageing Society Chris Sherwood Senior Lab Development Manager
Welcome to the Lab Our society is facing complex challenges, but our public services are not set up to cope. Radical thinking is needed - which is why NESTA has created The Lab.
What will I consider today? The role for radical innovation What do we think is needed? Our thinking around the third age Our approach to user involvement The Labs Age Unlimited programme
The need for radical innovation? What will be the impact on our society? Bankrupt public services Challenge the health of public and private pension systems Reduce the overall size of the labour force Skills deserts in certain sectors Depress the economy Incite inter-generational conflict
Where can innovation help? Ageing is: –Malleable –Susceptible to local solutions, and –Sleeper of a problem Innovation gap around the 50 something cohort The role of users
Supply Delivery Market for innovation Incentives Market data and information Coordination between services Technology Equality of access Demand Policy Users – existing and prospective The innovation system in ageing
What do we think is needed? A focus on users and behavioural change Better preparation for an extended old age Extend working lives Stay active, contributing and networked in retirement
Age Unlimited Learn by doing through practical demonstration projects: –Age Readiness –Age Management –Alternatives to Work Unpack the conditions for scaling and diffusing
The future – optimal ageing? Key – behavioural and lifestyle change New models of engagement The rise of optimal agers
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