What charities are people supporting and why? Cancer Research is the single most supported charity measured on TGI. More detailed TGI profiling could help us explain why people are giving to this charity, but given that 1 in 3 people are affected by cancer in their lifetime 1, a working hypothesis is that close personal experience is an important factor Source:1. % of adults 15+ Gave £5 or more to named charity in last 12 months Source: GB TGI Q All adults 15+: n= 24,722
What other reasons might explain why people donate? It is hard to forget coverage of the 2004 Tsunami, which brought the suffering of thousands into our living rooms. On TGI we saw its impact in a 2-fold increase in people giving to overseas relief. This may help us revise our hypothesis, in that proximity to suffering rather than close personal experience links Cancer Research and overseas relief in 05 Gave £5 or more for overseas relief Source: GB TGI Trend from 2002 to 2006 All adults 15+: approx n=25,000 annually % of adults 15+
What factors may influence how much people give? TGI can also help us explore the factors which influence how much people give. We found that generally the more you earn the more you give, but this is not the whole story, income is a poor predictor of donation amongst people struggling on their current income 1 Personal income in £s (pre-tax weighted average) (explains 43% of variance)(explains 24% of variance) 1. Strugglers: Find it difficult or very difficult to cope in current income % of base Source: GB TGI Trend from 2002 to 2006 All adults 15+: n= Strugglers: n=2,563
In summary From our top-line audit of some of TGIs charity data we have made interesting observations and identified an angle for further research Last year over 1 in 5 of us gave £5 or more to Cancer Research and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami had a marked but short lived impact on donations for overseas aid Income is a reasonable predictor of charitable donations but only under certain conditions and it may be worth exploring if proximity to suffering is a trigger for peoples giving to charity By connecting insights like these back to our brand and consumer data within TGI, Enlightenments analysts can help you to identify the real business opportunity. Contact us to see how we can help