NIKHEFFokke de Boer1 anomalous internal pair conversion as a sign for elusive light neutral particles e+e+ e–e–
NIKHEFFokke de Boer2 anomalous internal pair conversion as a sign for elusive light neutral particles e+e+ e–e–
NIKHEF4 co-authors Johan van Klinken 1 Helmut Bokemeyer 2 Klaus Bethge 3 Oliver Fröhlich 3 Alkis Müller 3 Kurt Stiebing 3 Margo Csatlós 4 Zoltan Gácsi 4 Janos Gulyás 4 Mathias Hunyadi 4 Attila Krasznahorkay 4 Zoltan Máté 4 René van Dantzig 5 Tjeerd Ketel 5 1 Groningen 2 Darmstadt 3 Frankfurt 4 Debrecen 5 Amsterdam
NIKHEF5 light neutral particles upper limits in emulsions in nuclear transitions spectroscopy and dark matter branching ratios 511 keV radiation pair production anomalous IPC fantasy
NIKHEF6 candidate bosons olight Higgs (0 + ) to explain muonic X-rays anomalies Watson and Sundaresan (1971) oaxion, a light pseudoscalar boson (0 - ) invented to prevent large CP-violations, Peccei and Quinn (1978) oU-boson a supersymmetric gauge boson (1 +, 1 - ), Fayet (1981)
NIKHEF7 particle data book
NIKHEF8 allowed window (not for T=1 axions)
NIKHEF9 emulsion events
NIKHEF12 spin-parity conservation.
NIKHEF13 width
NIKHEF14 correlation angle ω (degrees) number of IPC pairs (a.u.)
NIKHEF15 detector array
NIKHEF17 studied reactions
NIKHEF18 alpha nuclei
NIKHEF19 agreement with E1-IPC in 12 C
NIKHEF20 agreement with IPC in 12 C and a deviation in 8 Be Phys.Lett. B388 (1996) Li(p, ) 8 Be 1 +, T=1, 17.6 MeV 11 B(p, ) 12 C 1 -, T=1, 17.2 MeV
NIKHEF21 isoscalar decay from MeV in 8 Be
NIKHEF22 results from IKF, KVI and SUNY branching ratios and widths an isoscalar boson scenario with mass of 9 MeV/c 2, with spin 0 - or 1 +, and coupling strength α X proportional to the isoscalar width in the magnetic transition.
NIKHEF23 KVI annual report 2002
NIKHEF24 16 O (0 -,T=0) MeV decay
NIKHEF25 To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 O (0 -,T=0) MeV decay (M0 transition !!)
NIKHEF26 boson search program
NIKHEF27 8 Be (1 +,T=1) MeV decay
NIKHEF28 8 Be (1 +,T=0) MeV decay
NIKHEF29 16 O (0 -,T=0) MeV decay
NIKHEF30 12 C (1 +,T=0) MeV decay
NIKHEF31 12 C (1 +,T=1) MeV decay
NIKHEF32 16 O (0 +,T=0) 6.05 MeV decay
NIKHEF33 16 O 6.05, 8.87, and MeV decay
NIKHEF36 SPI data are consistent with positrons that originate from centre of the Galaxy and either: low-mass X-ray binaries, novae, type I a supernovae, or possibly light dark matter. INTEGRAL satellite
NIKHEF38 summary anomalous internal pair conversion is observed in isoscalar nuclear transitions magnetic monopole transition in 16 O is found several candidates for isoscalar neutral bosons in the 2-15 MeV mass region are reported one of the vector boson candidates may be the U-boson and be intermediate in the annihilation of light dark matter