Frank Linde (Nikhef) VDL, 15 february 2011 hele kleine deeltjes & hele grote experimenten
astronomy particle physics astroparticle physics
now abundance of chemical elements Big Bang’s afterglow Big Bang
Origin of particle masses? Newton didn’t know – neither do we … How did the Universe look directly after the Big Bang? Observe it! What is the Universe made of? We barely know 4%! Where is all the antimatter? Universe ought to be symmetric!
Astroparticle physics Accelerator-based particle physics VIRGO gravitational-wave detector Nikhef research: experiment XENON-1t deep-underground dark matter detector ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope AUGER cosmic ray observatory CERN: ALICE ATLAS LHCb
Nikhef = collaboration RuG NIOZ UT LEI TUe ASTRON TUD SRON +
natural particle sources astroparticle physics
natural source: cosmic rays,
AUGER cosmic ray observatory Argentina (pampa amarilla) Challenges: - huge area - wireless - solar power - ns timing - noise
ANTARES neutrino telescope Mediterranean Sea (2.5 km deep) Challenges: - size - deep sea - low power - noise - motions - ns timing
ANTARES neutrino telescope Mediterranean Sea (2.5 km deep)
ANTARES neutrino telescope Mediterranean Sea (2.5 km deep)
VIRGO laser interferometer Italy (Cascina near Pisa) Challenges: - signal size - noise
VIRGO laser interferometer Italy (Cascina near Pisa)
LISA laser interferometer Far away! (launch: 2018)
XENON-1t dark matter detector Italy (Gran Sasso near Aquila) Challenges: - background!
man-made particle sources accelerators: CERN!
PS ISR SPS SppS LEP LHC CLIC ? CERN Netherlands: ~4.5% 1.9 € per person per year
man-made source: accelerator
ATLAS detector
Future projects LHC upgrades KM3NeT CLIC
LHC 2030 Versneller: -onderhoud -magneten -cryogenie Experimenten: -trackers -elektronica
ILC/CLIC Versneller: -structuren -supports -uitlijning Experimenten: -nog ver weg