Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm Iochdar Hill was deemed to be most promising due to: Strong low cost grid connection with minimum loss through transmission Fully exposed from all wind directions 10m/s average wind resource The site is easily accessible Developed area Not covered by environmental designations The nearest houses are far enough away not to be adversely affected by noise.
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm Next Steps: Inclusion in Business Plan Development staff in post 2008 Consideration of feasibility and viability Identify project requirements Secure a site Planning permission Secure finance Grid connection Community support
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm
Current Project development: Site identified and assessed Viability established Grant of £80,000 secured to take project to planning EIA commissioned Scoping report submitted Met Mast installed Initial discussions commenced with financers
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm The EIA – for planning in the broadest sense. Dynamic Design Visual impact Noise Logistics, transport and access Ornithology Ecology and hydrology Cultural heritage Socio –economic impact
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm
Three 2 MW turbines Less visual impact, including to the nearest residents. Smaller footprint Ornithology interests. More cost effective Increase in community benefit 6 MW from 4.5MW. Lease based on MW installed
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm The Turbines: Vestas V80 60m Hub height 40m Blade length 100m to tip Class 1 turbine
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm The Site: Iochdar hill Common grazing Negotiations are currently underway Access track - seeking to identify a solution which will: minimise disruption Reduce impact on local residents and business Prove cost effective Reduce environmental impact The access track would be maximum 3km. Each turbine requires a hardstanding area of 40m x 20m and a concrete base. Sub Station box unit for electrics.
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm Finance: Total project cost - £6.7m Application to Big Lottery Fund Equity Loans Anticipated revenue: Year 1 £350,000 Years 2+3 £500,000
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm Timeline: Lease agreement – October 2008 EIA completed - November 2008 Community Consultations – November/ December 2008 Planning Application Submitted - December 2008 BLF application submitted - December 2008 Planning Application decision - April 2009 BLF decision - May 2009
Loch Carnan Community Wind Farm For more information: Kirsty Campbell Development Manager