Voor NIKHEF Jamboree 2013 Jan Timmermans
Quad-Ingrid & Octopuce (on the way to a LC-TPC module) Analysis by George Kassaras (masterstudent) of Quad- Ingrid data taken at DESY 5 GeV electron testbeam Track backscattering from chip (=anode) beam 262k pixels of 55x55 (μm) 2
Quad-Ingrid & Octopuce (on the way to a LC-TPC module) Construction and test of 8- Ingrid (Octopuce) module by Jan Timmermans (+ CEA Saclay) Cosmics, laser tests, DESY testbeam 3/ k pixels of 55x55 (μm) 2 Cosmic interacting in wall of gas testbox
To show the ‘invisible’? Cosmic interacting in wall of gas testbox
8 Ingrids on daughter board LPTPC with 7 detector slots inside1 T solenoid
Acknowledgements sofar To be combined in general acknowledgements, and maybe not to be mentioned person-by-person but more generally as members of the technical departments: –Joop Rovekamp –Wim Gotink –Jan Koopstra –Oscar van Petten