Maadi British International School Welcome to Year 2KC
The Class Teaching Team n Class Teacher – Miss Brand n Teaching Assistant – Miss Morris
A little about me… I come from Scotland and have been teaching for over 10 years. I have taught in Scotland, Egypt, Japan and Abu Dhabi. I first came to MBIS in 2001, then 2007 for two years and this is my third time back! I have taught all ages from Primary to Secondary. I am currently engaged and getting married next summer in Scotland I am currently engaged and getting married next summer in Scotland
Year 2 Subjects n English n Mathematics n Science n ICT(specialist teacher) n Second languages (specialist teacher) n Physical Education (specialist teacher) n Music (specialist teacher) n Art/DT n PSHE/RE n History/Geography
English – main areas of learning n Speaking and listening n Reading n Writing
Mathematics – main areas of learning n Using and applying mathematics n Counting and understanding number n Knowing and using number facts n Calculating n Understanding Shape n Measuring n Handling data
Our timetable… n Handout n Timetables are flexible to meet the needs of the children
Routines n Reading/Reading scheme n Weekly spellings n Homework
Home Learning… n Sunday – spelling practise n Monday – literacy activity n Tuesday – spelling workbook n Wednesday –Numeracy activity n Thursday - topic work
How to help your child with home learning n Establish a routine with your child: a set time and place for home learning to be done n Check what tasks have been set and that your child understands what needs to be done n Encourage independence: facilitate not dominate!
Expectations In Year 2, the children will be encouraged to: n Further develop their ability to work independently n Develop their reading skills n Develop more complicated writing techniques. n Develop numeracy by increasing number fact knowledge.
Reward systems n Class rewards n House system – contributing to team success
Looking ahead… n Theme days n Trips n Events n KS1 musical production n Class assembly
The Home School Partnership Lines of communication: n Open Door Policy n Home School Book n n Appointment n Parent Consultations in November, March, and June n Class parent helper
New school website After half term… n Key information about the year group including: curriculum, timetables, how you can help your child at home n Increased use of Kidblog to support home learning
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