Jon C. Arnold WW Managing Director Power & Utilities Microsoft Corporation The Journey to Proactive Energy Management
Disruptions in the Energy Industry CONSERVATION Easiest scale source of energy Environmental awareness Government policies Volatile energy prices ZERO CARBON ENERGY SOURCES Government policies Variable, inconsistent outputs GROWING DEMANDS Growth in base and peak loads Peak loads outpacing planned supply & delivery capacity Electric cars poised to exacerbate problems Better conservation tools needed Demand elasticity at scale required Demand elasticity at scale best way to solve problem
Proactive Energy Management Roadmap time impact TIME BASED PRICING
*Numerous scientific studies have consistently demonstrated the ability of energy usage transparency and efficiency tools to reduce energy consumption Save Today Save Tomorrow PROVIDING CUSUMERS WITH THE INFORMATION AND TOOLS TO TAKE ACTION Understand energy usage, get recommendations, take action, start saving* Advanced analytics give personalized recommendations to save on energy bill* Reduce impact on the environment Manage & track energy saving projects and connect with community for referrals & ideas First step of a journey towards proactive energy management
Dark Green
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