International Forum Cooperation in the sphere of tourism Strategic trends of tourism development in the Republic of Karelia Vuokatti, August 17, 2010
- favorable region for tourism development, - entrance into Russian Federation for foreign tourists Republic of Karelia:
Public accounting includes over 4000 monuments involving: petrogliphs, Saami seids and labyrinths ( approximately 5000 years old )
The Republic of Karelia is covered by 27 thousand rivers and 63 thousand lakes Nature protected areas consist over 5,5% of Karelian territory
Conditions for tourism development took favorable turn in the Republic of Karelia
Karelia heads the list of preferences among Russian tourists
Priority direction: Hospitable Karelia Strategy of Karelia development Territorial scheme of planning in Karelia Master plan of tourism objects allocation Tourism development strategy in Karelia Programmes and projects of tourism development Concept of Karelia development
3,5 1,65 Number of visitors, million people per year 5,23,2 Total revenue, milliard Rubles per year 15 4,5 Share of tourism in regional turnover, % Year 2020 Now Figures Tourism development goals
Regional target programme «Tourism Development in the Republic of Karelia up to year 2010» Main goal – formation of tourism basis in Karelia, providing for economic diversity and decreasing of future development risks in the region
Key Figures of Tourism Development in Karelia Figure* increase Number of workplaces within tourism industry ,6 % Overall number of visitors in Karelia, million people 1,291,6527,9 % Number of tourists, thousand people ,593 % Tourism, excursion and and hotel services, million Rubles % Volume of off-budget investments into Karelian tourism infrastructure, million Rubles % * by expert appraisal
Development of tourism infrastructure: Building of Onego-Palace hotel complex Building of Onego-Palace hotel complex
57 new tourist objects were building in 2009 year
Master plan of tourism infrastructure and objects allocation in Karelia: Development of 12 new perspective tourism and leisure sites Possibilities for Finnish Investments
Tourism zone Priladozhskaya
Proposals into the federal target program of tourism development in Russian Federation Sky resort «Spasskaya Guba» Sky complex «Päjnur» Tourism complexes in Zaonezhje
For the Head of Government of Russian Federation V.V. Putin Mega-project «Karelia for tourists»
Map of accelerating economical development zones in Russia
Беломорск Кочкома ББК ЖД Ледмозеро - Кочкома Беломорск Кивиярви Люття МАПП, ЖДПП Кочкома Суоперя Лонка Сювяоро Корписелькя Инари Куолисмаа Ристилахти Вяртсиля МАПП, ЖДПП Ледмозеро Main border-crossing points in the Republic of Karelia
Vologda region Leningrad region Murmansk region Road network modernization in the Republic of Karelia М- 18 FINLAND Arkhangelsk region
Euroregion KARELIA
Welcome to Karelia! © 2008 Government of Karelia Republic