Social Media Tools Managing Your Digital Identity
Social Media is all about PEOPLE
Do you own your own name? Does Your Address look like one of these?
Do you own your own home? Do you have a website … with a real domain? Can you update your website when YOU want? Are you running website analytics?
Whats your handle? Why Important? Findability – most social media sites are being indexed – user names and user profiles are showing up.
Your Professional Personality Where should you show off your professional personality? A blog (your own or a group blog) Recommended: Try mini-blogging: tumblr or posterous Flickr [or Picasa]
Your Professional Profile Where should you have a professional profile? LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Really, Facebook? Maybe – use the group friends and privacy settings!
Monitoring Your Buzz How do you find out what people are saying about you? Set up Google Alerts for your and your business name Set up search feeds (RSS feeds) Your name and business name Links to your website Links to other profiles Monitor these searches using tools like an RSS reader (e.g. Google Reader) or a personal homepage (e.g. MyYahoo, iGoogle, or NetVibes)
Credits Kathy E Creative Commons – share and share alike, non commercial attribution