Characters Laidlaw Theeeeres bin a muuurder!
Does not see world in black and white but shades of grey – believes it is difficult to tell innocent from guilty Aware of the contradictions in his nature - infidelity etc. Guilt. Unhappy marriage, not happy in job, suffers from depression and insecurity. Does not feel fulfilled Loves his 3 kids who love him and say hes good Dad – redeeming feature Aged about 40. Tall and broad chested Migraines Talks quickly. Thinks fast Witty Chapter 2 for introductory character sketch
He and Laidlaw dislike each other as whilst Laidlaw tries to UNDERSTAND criminals/ has an idea why they commit crimes, Milligan has nothing but contempt for them. Feels morally superior Works to Police routine. Lives alone – broken marriage. Unpleasant because of his arrogance Conflict twixt L and M normal for detective stories as hero (L) outwits slower dim- witted colleagues (M etc) to solve crimes
Sad figure. Adolescence has been struggle to come to terms with his identity. Wanted to prove manhood by killing Jennifer even though fond of her. Retains support of Harry Rayburn (former homosexual lover/ employer despite nature of his crime which makes even Glasgows hardest criminals want to kill him. Treated humanely by Laidlaw. Novel tries to work out a just yet merciful attitude towards Tommy
Hard man but acts within a code (based on Orange Order and sectarian Protestantism. Strict father – forbids daughter social life and not to mix with Catholic boys. Rangers supporter! When Jennifer is murdered he follows this code to avenge her even if it means he breaks the rule of law (ie killing Tommy). Saved from becoming murderer by Laidlaw reaching to his sense of right and wrong which makes him stop and think about consequences. Dominates wife which means she keeps secrets about Jennifers behaviour/ movements from him.