Virtual Earth: Adding the 3 rd Dimension November 15, 2006 Tyler Davey MVP, Virtual Earth & MWS Team Lead, Virtual Earth Infusion Development
About Tyler Davey MVP, Virtual Earth 6 years software development experience 4 years.NET experience 3 years in the geospatial community Microsoft MVP, Virtual Earth & MapPoint Web Service Microsoft Certified Application Developer Manages team of 11 Virtual Earth and MapPoint developers Authored most content on
Agenda The Virtual Earth Story Virtual Earth v4.0: Going 3D Developing Virtual Earth in 3D Q & A
MVP, Virtual Earth The Virtual Earth Story
TerraServer Launched in 1998 Brought Aerial and Topographical maps into one site Provides free downloads of Aerial imagery to customers Microsofts first venture into Virtual Earth
The Virtual Earth Story MapPoint Web Service a.k.a. Vicinity, purchased by Microsoft Web service, WS-I Compliant Provides static, topographical maps Maps are rendered on the fly by a rendering engine Provides geocoding, routing, and Points-Of-Interest Currently on version 4.4 and used by over 1000 active clients.
The Virtual Earth Story Virtual Earth the Betas What if you could bring the power of aerial with the power of MapPoint, and add a touch of AJAX?
The Virtual Earth Story Virtual Earth the Betas Welcome to Birds Eye 45 degree views as close as 25 yards away Launched with over 50 cities covered New map control and high resolution coverage Additional imagery brought online
The Virtual Earth Story Virtual Earth Goes Live… VE 3.0: Making the Developer Smile Up and running in 10 lines of code Single API, all styles and JS located in one control USA high-resolution coverage expanded Route API is brought in Polyline API is brought in GeoRSS and Windows Live Layers integrated Local Live for Outlook, MSN, and other Office platforms launched <script src=" <script> var map = null; function GetMap() { map = new VEMap('myMap'); map.LoadMap(new VELatLong(47.6, ), 10,'h',false); } </script> <body onload="GetMap();"> <div id='myMap' style="position:relative; width:400px; height:400px;"></div>
The Virtual Earth Story …And Gets Accessorized Virtual Earth 3.1: Crunching a Map MapCruncher comes out of the labs Polygons are integrated – but not with MapPoint Web Service polygons New methods for disambiguation Australia, Italy, and additional imagery updates Virtual Earth 3.2: Adding Images and Disambiguation Custom disambiguation for addresses Canada gets updated! Japan in Japanese UK update
MVP, Virtual Earth Virtual Earth 4: Going 3D
Virtual Earth 4.0: Going 3D Launching 3D November 6, 2006 Massive marketing campaign Code started over two years ago – entire 3D layering written in house at Microsoft Requires installation of ActiveX control (and a killer computer) Available across the globe, but…
Virtual Earth 4.0: Going 3D Demo:
MVP, Virtual Earth Programming Virtual Earth 3D
MVP, Virtual Earth Summary & Call to Action
Microsoft is investing heavily in geospatial visualization Virtual Earth is easy to use and develop Simple API, Interactive SDK Integrate mapping within your existing applications 3D and Birds Eye! Sign up for a developers account Virtual Earth: Locate. Integrate. Innovate.
Summary & Call to Action References Windows Local Live Windows Live Dev Via Virtual Earth Community
MVP, Virtual Earth Questions & Answers