Communities of (TE) Practice John van der Baaren (OUNL) Sustainability: –Maintaining resources and users –Making money How could using share.TEC look like What we need Create the added value related to sharing resources
Communities of (TE) Practice John van der Baaren (OUNL) Sustainability: –Quality of resources (not quantity) –Quantity of (re)use –Tempting experts to contribute More like wikipedia then Youtube
Communities of (TE) Practice John van der Baaren (OUNL) Money (scenario’s – Free) –Resources are free, but added services not (translation, training, installation) –Free “do it yourself” and Deluxe paid version (proper documentation, guarantee, updates) –Advertisements –Subsidies (wikiwijs) –……………. –Probably all and in many variations
Communities of (TE) Practice John van der Baaren (OUNL) TE institute creates a community around one or more courses Community provides support for (re)users of the course, PR, research around the course, supports localization and improvements. Part local with TE institute, part share.TEC Part is free, parts are paid
Communities of (TE) Practice John van der Baaren (OUNL) Experiments –Package a course –Present it online in several ways –Create a community around the course: Moderated by the TE institute Stimulating reuse, improving, translating, adding experience, etc
Communities of (TE) Practice John van der Baaren (OUNL) What does share.TEC offer? Tool for searching/retrieving resources Support for adding metadata What other generic services can be offered (especially paid) What support do TE institutes need to set- up and maintain their CoP Examples to promote the idea