Employment Research and Getting the Match The best way to get what you want is to ask for it!
Matching – Who Benefits? Donors Organizations. Maximize their giving dollars. More fully utilize their employee benefits. Matching gifts are added to gift club totals. Form a more personal relationship with your organization. An increase in dollars from personal donations of about 10% Better donor stewardship. A very good return on investment. (ROI) Creation of an additional, consistent revenue stream.
Added Value of Employment Date enables identification of potential matching gifts. Provides information for wealth screening. Provides information for development officers planning meetings with donors. Allows us to develop more meaningful relationships with donors.
Information Organization No Cost/Low Cost Information arranged according to cost & budget No/Low Cost demands more time resources, payoff slowly accretes Monetary investments will probably yield quicker results Strategies are available for almost all budget capacities
Find Employment In-house Identify Data Streams and donor points of entry Donor Points of Entry & Data Streams Faculty/Staff E-mail Websites Events Departments
Strategies for Collecting Employment Data It’s a scavenger hunt! Business cards at the Career Center Business cards at job fairs Business cards are collected at donor & alumni events Donor sign-in sheets at events with an employment field Employment information collected by development officers & researchers but not always shared Departments with alumni update pages Advisory board lists with employment data E-mail appends with employment info, i.e. @us.ibm.com @ey.com, @lmco.com, @pwc.com, @kpmg.com @flour.com @boring.com
The Perpetual Scavenger Hunt Can be done in short bursts Promotes the importance of sharing information Creates awareness of the importance of collecting, sharing, and recording employment Share the information you have with researchers & development officers Cooperation should be a two-way street Use your creativity and refine your detecting skills
Online Resources Yahoo, Google Search Engines LinkedIn Spokeo, LinkedIn, networking sites For employment data Clues to current residence Research matching programs Job networking site Become a member of your LinkedIn group Create a group Opt for automatic notification of member posts Consider fee options for better access
Asking for Employment Data Add a field to pledge coupons and mailers Add a field to credit card giving form Add a field to event sign-in sheets Add a field to your online giving page Add a field to mail/magazine/newsletter solicitations Collect business cards at events by having a drawing
Recording Data Train your staff for consistent and accurate recording Look for conflicting home and business locations, determine whether further research needed Determine if home address needs research & updating, or if alum address is that of parents Look for e-mail appends Be consistent in researching possible matching potential, as new matching programs go online daily Identify donor gifts that are match eligible
ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING MATCHING HEP E-Match Donor Link ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING MATCHING Give donors the capability to research matching gift eligibility, instead of you. Employment data collected when donor completes a matching gift application. Most accurate data. Often provides employment data for donor’s spouse. Reduces your administrative time & cost.
Gives donors direct access to matching appication Online matching page Informs, educates Gives donors direct access to matching appication Linked to online giving page Link added to electronic and print media
Takes donors directly to employer’s matching gift program or online link. Gives donors the capability of researching gift eligibility, so you don’t have to do it. Easy to use, helps overcome donor reluctance to complete their matching application.
Add link to receipt template Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sample: Thank you for your contribution. Your private support assists Cal Poly in providing a new generation of graduates with the knowledge, problem-solving skills and leadership ability necessary for our state and nation to flourish. Thank you for partnering with Cal Poly and for your support of academic excellence. Sincerely, Vice President University Advancement OFFICIAL GIFT RECEIPT 7/22/2010 $200.00 Parent Fund 7/22/2010 $300.00 Aerospace Engineering Department For recognition purposes, your name(s) may appear in University publications as: Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Sample Please email giving@calpoly.edu if you would like it listed differently. Your employer might match this gift! Find out at www.giving.calpoly.edu/matching.html. Add link to receipt template No link? Direct donors to their HR department
MARKETING YOUR PROGRAM Cal Poly Magazine Matching Gift Article Double Your Money Don’t Miss Fall Enrollment in Your Companies’ Matching Gift Program “I think we lose $150,000 every year,” said Linda Stark, Cal Poly’s matching gifts specialist “because people don’t take advantage of their employer’s matching gift programs.” John Doe (Civil Engineering, 1980), a gas transmission planner with PG&E, has a regular contribution deducted from his paycheck every month. The employer automatically matches his contribution and makes the donation of the total amount quarterly. “It’s a simple, painless way to donate,” said Doe. “I used to make inconsistent contributions but this is so much easier,” Doe continued. “And it’s like giving away free money if you’re not taking advantage of your companies’ matching contribution.” There are other creative ways to make the most of the situation. When both spouses work for companies that have matching gift programs, a single gift can be matched by both employers. Stark said she has worked with couples who were “absolutely gleeful that they tripled their donation.” “Our biggest barrier,” said Stark, “is persuading people that every gift counts.” She said that the majority of missed opportunities are gifts of less than $200. “Some people think a $10 or $20 donation isn’t a big deal so it’s not worth the time, but when you add up all the gifts under $200, and then match that with an equal amount from their respective employers, it adds up.” To find out if your employer has a matching gifts program or for help establishing a matching gift, go to: www.calpoly.edu/matching
Direct donors to E-Match donor link Place on your website Direct donors to E-Match donor link Direct donors to their HR department Direct donors to your matching page
Marketing Your Program Engineering Magazine Article Double Your Money Don’t Miss Fall Enrollment in Your Companies’ Matching Gift Program “I think we lose $150,000 every year,” said Linda Stark, Cal Poly’s matching gifts specialist “because people don’t take advantage of their employer’s matching gift programs.” John Doe (Civil Engineering, 1980), a gas transmission planner with PG&E, has a regular contribution deducted from his paycheck every month. The employer automatically matches his contribution and makes the donation of the total amount quarterly. “It’s a simple, painless way to donate,” said Doe. “I used to make inconsistent contributions but this is so much easier,” Doe continued. “And it’s like giving away free money if you’re not taking advantage of your companies’ matching contribution.” Doe has increased the size of his gifts as his financial situation changed but the real difference, he says, is that he is giving more because he is giving consistently. “It’s easier to spread the payments over time than if I had to make a lump sum payment.” “I owe where I am to the education Cal Poly gave me,” Doe continued. “It’s such a simple way to say ‘Thank you.’” Marketing Your Program
Printed 3-up and cut on campus. Designed in-house to reduce costs. Mailed with pledge coupons. Included in donor packets. Provided for department mailings upon request.
Asking donors for matching gift applications Send requests monthly to avoid matching program deadlines for submission. Send quarterly requests for gifts still eligible for matching, i.e. deadline 1/31, 90 days, one year to apply, etc. The more you ask the more you’ll get. For e-mail requests provide link to online application or copy of application. Provide gift dates, amounts, and allocations necessary for completing a matching application. Provide donor with tax ID number.
If you have any questions, please contact me at phone. If you have already requested a match for that gift, we’re doubly grateful – and there’s no need to read further. But if you have not applied for your matching gift, would you please take a few minutes to complete the «CLAIM_CO_PREF_MAIL_NAME» matching gift application? You can help us reap thousands of dollars in additional support from corporate matching funds for Month Year gifts. (If your employer has changed, please let us know that, too.) Matching gift programs leverage your resources – and provide additional support to Cal Poly students. To create a win-win situation for everyone, please complete and return the enclosed matching gift application. To find out if your spouse’s employer has a matching gift program please visit www.giving.calpoly.edu/matching. If you have any questions, please contact me at phone. Gift Date Gift Amount Gift Designation DATE_OF_RECORD_ CREDIT_AMT ALLOC_LONG_DESC
Engineering Alum/Donor Letter Market payroll deduction giving Almost 100% matching ratio Low administrative cost, easy to administer Send e-mails in the fall in time for open enrollment 40% increase in PG&E matching Include link to matching gift program Engineering Alum/Donor Letter These days, we all wish we could make money go a little farther, especially when it comes to supporting your special Cal Poly Engineering program or department. Well, without digging deeper, there is a way to give your gift a "bounce." It just so happens that PG & E provides a matching gift program for their employees. You can take advantage of this benefit by signing up for PG&E's payroll deduction program. Payroll deductions make it simple to support Cal Poly. And as an added bonus, your company automatically matches your gift which can make a huge impact!
Use AdobePro8 To complete fields. Improves donor response. You’ve demonstrated your care & concern. Save application into a master file for future use. Available from GiftPlus Online. Can research using Google.
Summary Use internal & external resources to gather employment data. Use E-match Donor link to give donors ability to research matching eligibility & access to application. Place E-match link in electronic and print media. Market giving through payroll deductions. Send requests for matching applications monthly & quarterly. Use GiftPlus Online to identify match eligible gifts and program guidelines.
Thank you For further information on how to get your matching gift program to the next level call 703-669-5602 or email info@hepdata.com Your suggestions for future enhancements to products and ideas for future webinars are most welcome. Contact John Wright at jwright@hepdata.com Presenter Linda Stark lstark@calpoly.edu HEP Development Educational Series