Patient assessment for the Basic EMT CONFIDENTIAL
Lesson Goal Obtain and interpret vital signs & SAMPLE history Provide information necessary to evaluate scene during initial stages of response Perform initial patient assessment, form a general impression, and determine transport priority of medical or trauma patient Recognize MOI to predict injury in trauma patient CONFIDENTIAL
Presentation Information Lesson Goal Perform detailed physical examination, understand findings, and use findings to provide appropriate patient care Perform ongoing assessment Reassess & confirm patient’s status Review assessment Check interventions for adequacy & response Assess patients with medical complaint and obtain a focused history CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL
Why is it important? We are the eyes and ears We cannot treat what we do not assess We cannot report what we do not assess or treat CONFIDENTIAL
Assessment tools CONFIDENTIAL
Most Important Assessment Tools CONFIDENTIAL
When does assessment begin? CONFIDENTIAL
PATIENT ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Focused and Physical Exam: Trauma Rapid Focused And Physical Exam: Medical Vital Signs/History Detailed Exam Ongoing Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
General Impression Includes: NOI for medical patients MOI for trauma patients Determine need for cervical spine stabilization Both medical problem & injury possible Age Gender Race (ethnicity) CONFIDENTIAL
Level of Consciousness (Mental Status) A Alert V responds to Verbal stimulus P responds only to Painful stimulus U Unresponsive CONFIDENTIAL
PATIENT ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Focused and Physical Exam: Trauma Rapid Focused And Physical Exam: Medical Vital Signs/History Detailed Exam Ongoing Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
Initial Assessment Find and fix Assess disability/environment Airway Breathing Circulation/Shock Assess disability/environment Expose as necessary Transport decision CONFIDENTIAL
Assess Airway Look Listen Feel Patient position Intact structure No foreign bodies Patient color Listen Snoring Gurgling Crowing/stridor Silence Patient complaint Feel Stable structure Air exchange CONFIDENTIAL
Treat Airway Position Suction Adjuncts Consider early transport CONFIDENTIAL
Assess Breathing Look Listen Feel Patient position Patient color Chest wall movement Use of accessory muscles Rate/Regularity Pulse oxymetry Listen Audible wheezing Breath sounds Patient complaint Feel Chest wall Subcutaneous emphysema CONFIDENTIAL
Treat breathing Position for comfort Consider early transport Apply oxygen High-flow/NRB Assist breathing Once every 5-6 seconds Seal chest wounds Occlusive dressing CONFIDENTIAL
Assess Circulation/Shock Look External bleeding Patient color Listen Mental status Feel Pulse Location Quality Rate regularity CONFIDENTIAL
Treat Circulation/Shock Stop the bleeding High-flow oxygen Maintain body temperature CONFIDENTIAL
Consider C-Spine stabilization CONFIDENTIAL
Assess Disability (neuro status) Mental Status Pupil check Bilateral movement Glasgow Coma scale CONFIDENTIAL
Assess Environment/Expose Too hot/too cold Surface contact Move patient to a controlled environment ASAP Expose injuries CONFIDENTIAL
PATIENT ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Focused and Physical Exam: Trauma Rapid Focused And Physical Exam: Medical Vital Signs/History Detailed Exam Ongoing Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
Focused History and Physical Exam—Trauma Presentation Information Focused History and Physical Exam—Trauma Rapid Trauma Assessment VS Focused Trauma Assessment CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL
Check the nooks and crannies Detailed Exam Check the nooks and crannies CONFIDENTIAL
Hands-on Assessment—Head to Toe Presentation Information Hands-on Assessment—Head to Toe D Deformities C Contusions A Abrasions P Penetrations B Burns T Tenderness L Lacerations S Swelling The video will start when the mouse is clicked. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL
PATIENT ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Focused and Physical Exam: Trauma Rapid Focused And Physical Exam: Medical Vital Signs/History Detailed Exam Ongoing Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
Focused History and Physical Exam--Medical Getting a history is the key!! S Signs and Symptoms--OPQRST A Allergies M Medications P Pertinent Past history L Last oral intake E Events leading up to Focused physical assessment CONFIDENTIAL
Assessing Signs and Symptoms O Onset P Provoke Q Quality R Radiate S Severity T Time CONFIDENTIAL
PATIENT ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Focused and Physical Exam: Trauma Rapid Focused And Physical Exam: Medical Vital Signs/History Detailed Exam Ongoing Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
Check the nooks and crannies Detailed Exam Check the nooks and crannies CONFIDENTIAL
PATIENT ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Focused and Physical Exam: Trauma Rapid Focused And Physical Exam: Medical Vital Signs/History Detailed Exam Ongoing Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
Presentation Information On-Going Assessment Assess, re-assess and then assess again Vital signs every 15 minutes for the stable patient Vital signs every 5 minutes for the unstable patient CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL
Vital Signs Pulse Respirations Breath Sounds Blood Pressure Oxygen saturation Pupils GCS Skin color, condition, and temperature Time CONFIDENTIAL
Skin color/condition Pupils Normal, pale, jaundiced, flushed, cyanotic Warm, hot, cool , cold, moist, dry Pupils Equal/reactive CONFIDENTIAL
Pulse Respirations Breath sounds Rate: adult normal 60-100 Location: carotid/radial Quality: strong, weak, thready Regularity: regular/irregular Respirations Rate: adult normal 12-20 Quality: easy, labored, noisy Regularity Breath sounds Present and equal CONFIDENTIAL
Blood pressure Oxygen saturation Auscultation Palpation Oscillation Automatic Oxygen saturation > 90% for adults > 95% for pediatrics CONFIDENTIAL
Presentation Information Glasgow Coma Scale Criteria Patient Response Score Eye opening Spontaneously To speech To pain None 4 3 2 1 Verbal response Oriented Confused Inappropriate words Incomprehensible words 5 Motor response Obeys commands Localizes pain Withdraws to pain Flexion to pain Extension to pain 6 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL
EVERYONE gets an assessment The Last Word… EVERYONE gets an assessment CONFIDENTIAL
Questions and answers CONFIDENTIAL