CONTENT Hungarian technology platforms Why is the road transport important in Hungary? Who are the members of ERTRAC-Hungary? Working groups and schedule
Supported by National Office for Research and Technology 11 have been in work. 10 since March 2008 and 1 since Automotive Scientific and Technology Platform 2. ARTEMIS-Hungary National Technology Platform 3. ERTRAC Hungary National Technology Platform 4. National Technology Platform on Biotechnology 5. Platform for Fish Farming Technology Development in Hungary 6. Integrated Micro/Nanosystems Technology Platform 7. Mobility and Multimedia National Technology Platform 8. Language and Speech Technology Platform 9. Establishment of National Technological Platform for Research and Development of Innovative Medicines in Hungary 10. Hungarian National Technology Platform “Food for Life”, since Hydrogen and Fuel Cell National Technology Platform. HUNGARIAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS
Stakeholders Latest example for the joint research programme is the ERTRAC-HUNGARY (National Technology Platform of Road Transport Research)
ERTRAC Hungary Member Organisations Institute for Transport Sciences Nonprofit Ltd. Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, Institute for Materials Science Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Department of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Faculty of Transportation Engineering COLAS Hungary Ltd. Coordination Center for Transport Development FŐMTERV Civil Engineering Designer Ltd. Hungarian Roads Management Company Hungarian Road Transport Association Hungarian Road Society Hungarian Scientific Association for Transport H-TPA Innovation and Quality Control Ldt. ITS Hungary Association National Transport Authority Non-profit Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building Széchenyi István University Magyar Telekom Plc. Regulatory Affairs and Pricing Policy Branch Domestic Regulatory VOLÁN Professional Association Dr. Csaba Attila, Members of European Parliament (MEP)
ERTRAC Hungary Research Areas Automotive Engineering Intelligent Transportation Systems Energy, Environment Safety, Security Transport & Mobility Infrastructure Design, and Construction Dr. Máté ZÖLDY, MOL Nyrt. Dr. Péter HOLLÓ, Institute for Transport Sciences Nonprofit Ltd. Dr. Zsuzsanna TÓTH-SZABÓ, Széchenyi István University Dr. Ildikó MARCSA, VOLÁN Professional Association Gábor KARMOS, Hungarian Road Transport Association Dr. Attila VÖRÖS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dr. József PÁLFALVI, Institute for Transport Sciences Nonprofit Ltd. Dr. Ágnes LINDENBACH, ITS Hungary Finance, Pricing Dr. Gábor MELEGH, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Thank you for your attention! László RUPPERT dr