Jan Wester Economic Board Utrecht Pioneering Europe 2020 Smart Regions Utrecht (Northwing) turning societal challenges into entrepreneurial opportunities Jan Wester Economic Board Utrecht
Northwing Utrecht is part of the Northwing region that also includes Amsterdam and Almere. 4mln inhabitants Top 5 economic regions in Europe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWj3LnKm5B0 Utrecht (Northwing)
Economic Board Utrecht Economic Development Board Almere Human Capital ICT info and infrastructures Serviceinnovation ICT’s and Media Services Industry life sciences Sustainability & greening economy Economic Board Utrecht Theme’s Economic Development Board Almere Health Life sciences Creative Industry Amsterdam Economic Board crossover crossover
Citizens/civil society Policy mix Developing Regional Eco-Systems Address Societal Challenges to create local value and foster SME participation And organise (New) Ownership for sustainability Citizens/civil society Government Business Knowledge Business Government Knowledge
Q-Helix dynamics Action Research Development of methods & tools Shared “learning curb” Benchlearning Know What Business, Civil society etc. Know Why Government and public autorities Know How Knowledge institutes results knowledge methods concepts evidence base policy directions needs examples Implementation of real projects Organisation of “living labs” The picture shows the dynamics of this (quadruple) helix “playground”. It combines action (what) with vision (why) and supplies the means (how) to make it work and learn! Structuring and facilitating activities Coherent (regional) socio- economic policies Smart Specialisation Strategy Jan Wester
Big Data in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area needs a place! The Almere Big Data example of ICT as Smart Specialisation Strategy Big Data in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area needs a place! Jan Wester
Initiatives Policy commitment: 4 year project Almere DataCapital. Opening an Almere campus for Big Data with several elements: Almere DataCapital (Policy Program) Dutch HealthHub (Business and societal values) Big Data Value Center (to connect SME’s and Education) Development of the Big Data home market through Smart Society program (local value)
Campus Almere: connect SME’s and Education Data Hubs Value Center Big Data Projects Demonstrotor Collaboratorium Incubator Testfacilities Training and knowledge gateway
Big Data Value Center Almere Main functions: Big Data business (co- creation platform, incubator etc.) Big Data connection (networking/marketing) Big Data learning (education and R&D) Big data learning Big data connection Big data business
Connecting to regional complimentary eco-systems Eco-systeem Big Data ADC Media H’sum Life science Utrecht Geo-cluster A’foort Food valley A’dam ICT and New Media Almere kan in dat verband vanuit Big dat een mooie brug- en koppelfunctie vervullen tussen specialisaties in steden binnen de Norrdvleugel ( en ook daar buiten). Hierdoor draagt Almere sterk bij aan de ontwikkeling regionale complementariteit binnen de Noordvleugel
Spinn-off: Dutch Health Hub
Connecting to local developments and societal challenges
Collaboration: benchlearning local agenda’s regional living lab governance Reflective monitoring feedback Transformation = learning In order to cooperate we need to combine tools in a Benchlearning strategy: Local digital/innovation agendas (policy tools) Regional living labs (scientific tools) Clear ownership pyramid and co-creating partnerships (governance tools) Benchlearning: Applying a reflective “monitoring and evaluation” methodology to monitor, validate and learn (feedback tools) What todo interregionally? Developing instrumentation on trans-sectoral “entrepreneurial discovery processes” Indicators on “resilience” and transactional capacities Methods for inter-regional validation