Cross-border cooperation and regional development


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Presentation transcript:

Cross-border cooperation and regional development Porto, 19 April 2013 Jean PEYRONY Director-General of MOT, Executive Director of CECICN

CECICN = city networks involved in cooperation (cross-border and macro regions) Les activités en cours: Réalisation d’un livre blanc sur la coopération territoriale en co-production avec l’ARFE Préparation d’une conférence sur la coopération territoriale avec le Comité des Régions (2012)

matrix CECICN and AEBR document Cooperation contributing on Smart Cooperation Cooperation contributing to the Single Market and EU 2020 Free movement of people Free movement of goods/capital Free movement of services Smart Growth -student mobility cooperation between universities joint smart specialization … -CB and transnational clusters -development of CB/ transnational trading links -… development of services within CB metropolitan regions Shared use of ICT Sustainable Growth -CB public transport -coherent planning and management of infrastructure Inter-operable sustainable transport modes CB wastewater treatment, energy networks Joint management of natural resources Inclusive Growth CB EURES Mutual recognition of diplomas CB hospitals -CB venture capital funds -CB health and social services -joint education and training matrix

Example: The Upper Rhine region

Free movement of people Free movement of goods/capital CECICN and AEBR document on Smart Cooperation Cooperation contributing to the Single Market and EU 2020 Projects in the Upper Rhine region Free movement of people Free movement of goods/capital Freedom of services Smart Growth -student mobility cooperation between universities joint smart specialization Ex: « EUCOR » Project -CB and transnational clusters -development of CB/ transnational trading links Ex: «  Science Offensive  » development of services within CB metropolitan regions Shared use of ICT Ex: The INFOBEST - Network Sustainable Growth -CB public transport -coherent planning and management of infrastructure Ex: CB Tram line, Ecocity project:« Strasbourg-Kehl, Inter-operable sustainable transport modes CB wastewater treatment, energy networks Joint management of natural resources Inclusive Growth CB EURES Mutual recognition of diplomas CB Employment Ex: the CB Job Center in Kehl -CB venture capital funds -… -CB health and social services Ex: the CB Childcare centre -joint education and training

Key idea: Improving the strategic dimension of cooperation CECICN and AEBR document on Smart Cooperation Key ideas for Smart Cooperation Key idea: Improving the strategic dimension of cooperation What is true for macro-regions also applies to CB cooperation Need for strategies for “cross-border regions” Member States coordinating strategies, legislation, financing and institutions, across borders; with the support of the EU All OPs, and national/regional programs, can contribute to ETC; ETC OPs=catalyst ETC: flagship instrument of territorial cohesion: should be included in all strategic documents (CSF; national PAs, coordinated across borders).

Common Strategic Framework European level European Union Common Strategic Framework National level Partnership Agreement A Partnership Agreement B STATE B STATE A Regional level CBC programme REGIONAL AUTHORITIES REGIONAL AUTHORITIES Management authority JTS EGTC or equivalent Local level LOCAL AUTHORITIES LOCAL AUTHORITIES STAKEHOLDERS CB sectoral projects CB territorial projects ITI, CLLD STAKEHOLDERS

Entry point for programming: Integrated territorial development Entry point for programming: Concentration on Europe 2020 objectives Thematic dimension: Smart growth Research & Innovation ICT SME Sustainable growth Low-carbon economy Resource efficiency Risk prevention Sustainable transport Inclusive growth Employment Social inclusion Combating poverty Education Territorial dimension: Cities and urban areas Governance mechanism: Deprived urban areas and neighbourhoods City-regions, metropolitan areas ITI, CLLD, territorial axis,… Rural areas, etc. Functional areas, cross-border regions

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