1 Major Air Pollutants in Europe
2 Air Pollution in Europe EEA Report No 2 / 2007
3 EEA Topic Centre for Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Steinar Larssen and Kevin Barrett (NILU) Martin Adams (AEA Technology) Kevin Barrett (NILU) Maarten van het Bolscher (TNO) Steinar Larssen (NILU) Frank de Leeuw (MNP) Tinus Pulles (TNO) Maarten van Loon (MetNo) Addo van Pul (TNO) Rob Swart (MNP) o Maximilian Posch (CCE/MNP) o Chris Heyes (CIAM/IIASA) Anke Lükewille (EEA) Andreas Barkman (EEA) & comments of others at EEA National focal points, EEA MC European Commission (DG Env.) EEA Topic Centre for Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Steinar Larssen and Kevin Barrett (NILU) Martin Adams (AEA Technology) Kevin Barrett (NILU) Maarten van het Bolscher (TNO) Steinar Larssen (NILU) Frank de Leeuw (MNP) Tinus Pulles (TNO) Maarten van Loon (MetNo) Addo van Pul (TNO) Rob Swart (MNP) o Maximilian Posch (CCE/MNP) o Chris Heyes (CIAM/IIASA) Anke Lükewille (EEA) Andreas Barkman (EEA) & comments of others at EEA National focal points, EEA MC European Commission (DG Env.)
4 PM 10 annual means at Prague monitoring stations, > 40 µg/m 3 Results of AirBase PM 10 monitoring stations Although PM precursor emissions decreased over the period , human exposure did not show improvements!
5 PM 10 concentrations (2004), 36th highest daily value
6 Pattern of critical loads exceedances of nutrient nitrogen Areas in Europe where ecosystems are exposed to atmospheric loads of nitrogen that are greater than the critical load for the most sensitive ecosystem(s) in each 50 x 50 km grid cell.
7 Main Messages Emissions of almost all air pollutants fell substantially in the EEA-32 member countries. Ambient concentrations of PM 10 and O 3 in the air have not shown any improvement since PM 2.5 is now generally recognised to be the main threat to human health from air pollution. NH 3 emitted from agricultural activity and NO x from combustion processes have become the predominant acidifying and eutrophying agents affecting ecosystems.
8 Thank you for your contribution and comments on the report!