Teaching in the 21 st Century Pete Sharma NATESOL / IATEFL ESOL SIG Teachers Conference Salford June 2011
Aims To provide twenty practical teaching ideas using technology To share thoughts and experiences of T.E.L.L.
Overview Six statements Practical ideas Open forum
(1) New era
(2) Controversial: Multiple perspectives Multiple perspectives Teacher Student Trainer DOS $$$ School Publisher Author Designer Developer Theory
Before and after
Corpus linguistics (3)Technology - changed language teaching forever
(4) Range of course types face-to-faceBlended: 3 + CD-ROMdistance
Course types AdjunctMixed / hybridIntegrated 100% f2f 80 / 20 50/50 20 / % online
(6) Centralicity of pedagogy What is it? So what? How to use it? (5) The importance of attitude
Practical teaching ideas 1) Grammar 2) Vocabulary 3) Language skills Listening and reading Speaking and writing 4) Phonology
Grammar Going to Present continuous Will Authentic Restricted Clarification (Scrivener)
Infinite clone tool Right or wrong? I am born in Poona I have seen Mark yesterday I am in London for two days If I will see James, I will give him the message
Grammar matrix
Unlikely-likely language 40 persons / 40 people. We're at Stockholm / We're in Stockholm If we would have done that……. Did you do that already? / Have you done it yet? If I was you / If I were you Charles, you're not understanding me
(2) Vocabulary - storage
Word frequency
Note-able words
(3) Skills Listening Reading Receptive Speaking Writing Productive
Listening Then Now Im going to play the tape twice……. Bookmark it! Choice – how many times? with or without sub-titles?
E-book readers Sony E-book readersAmazon Kindle Nook
Speaking Flip camera
Speaking – voting devices Students should turn off their mobile phones in class Vote now: 1 – Yes 2 - Unsure 3 – No
Speaking Timed anecdotes – task repetition
Writing - wiki Refutation
Handwriting recognition software
Process writing BrainstormEdit Review Final proof
(4) Phonology