No. 1 God and man are in fellowship Genesis 3:8--
No. 2 God gave man the power to choose. Genesis 1:27 Genesis 2:15-17
No. 3 Man chose to sin. Genesis 3:4-7 Romans 3:23 S
No. 4 Mans sins separate Him from God. Genesis 3:22-24 Isaiah 59:2
No. 5 Will God punish us or forgive us? Ezekiel 18:20 2 Peter 3:9
No. 6 By Christs death God punishes our sins, so we can be forgiven. John 3:16
No. 7 Man can choose to accept Jesus. John 3:16
No. 8 Each must demonstrate his faith by obedience. James 2:24 Acts 2:38
No. 9 Man is forgiven of sins and restored to fellowship with God. Acts 2:38 Acts 22:16
No. 10 All saved by faith and obedience are added to Christs church. Galatians 3:27 Acts 2:47
Why we believe in salvation by grace through faith.
Where We All Start SINFUL MAN Romans 3:23
UNIVERSALISMUNIVERSALISM God Saves All Matt. 7:13-14 Matt. 25:46 Rev. 20:15 GOD COUNTS US AS RIGHTEOUS SINFUL MAN Romans 3:23
Earn it by works Eph. 2:8-9 GOD COUNTS US AS RIGHTEOUS SINFUL MAN Romans 3:23 UNIVERSALISMUNIVERSALISM God Saves All Matt. 7:13-14 Matt. 25:46 Rev. 20:15
Get faith given by God Eph. 1:4 Eph. 1:13 Acts 10:34 II Pet. 3:9 I Tim. 2:6 GOD COUNTS US AS RIGHTEOUS SINFUL MAN Romans 3:23 UNIVERSALISMUNIVERSALISM God Saves All Matt. 7:13-14 Matt. 25:46 Rev. 20:15 Earn it by works Eph. 2:8-9
Gods Grace Rom. 5:1 Acts 16:31 John 3:16 James 2:24 FAITHFAITH UNDEMONSTRATED GOD COUNTS US AS RIGHTEOUS SINFUL MAN Romans 3:23 UNIVERSALISMUNIVERSALISM God Saves All Matt. 7:13-14 Matt. 25:46 Rev. 20:15 Earn it by works Eph. 2:8-9 Get faith given by God Eph. 1:4 Eph. 1:13 Acts 10:34 II Pet. 3:9 I Tim. 2:6
Gods Grace Acts 2:38 Acts 22:16 Rom. 6:4 FAITHFAITH DEMONSTRATED GOD COUNTS US AS RIGHTEOUS SINFUL MAN Romans 3:23 UNIVERSALISMUNIVERSALISM God Saves All Matt. 7:13-14 Matt. 25:46 Rev. 20:15 Earn it by works Eph. 2:8-9 Get faith given by God Eph. 1:4 Eph. 1:13 Acts 10:34 II Pet. 3:9 I Tim. 2:6 Gods Grace Rom. 5:1 Acts 16:31 John 3:16 James 2:24 FAITHFAITH UNDEMONSTRATED