Alcohol what governments and institutions do or dont do about alcohol and the conditions and problems associated with its misuse
Definition of Alcohol Beverage a drink containing ethanol psychoactive drug depressant
The Prohibition: A Brief History enacted in the early 1900s in Canada. drinking establishments closed. These were seen as places of drunkenness and misery Repealed in 1920s L.C.B.O
What does alcohol policy mean? control the supply and/or affect the demand education and treatment programs alcohol control and harm- reduction strategies. Serve the interests of public health and social well-being
The Key Players in Ontario Politicians and their Advisors Government Staff Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (ACGO) Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) Alcohol producers, retailers, distributors, marketers and member of the hospitality industry
LCBO Importation Transportation Warehousing and sale
AGCO Enforces Liquor License Act (controls the sale, service, and consumption of alcohol)
Socio-Economic Status and Policy Many groups of people in terms of Socio-Economic Status Not one universal set of rules that can be applied to satisfy all the problems Higher Socio-Economic Status is associated with better health
Advertisement Policy
Advertisement 2003, 700,000 alcohol ads aired 400,000 airing in Ontario alone Only 390,000 Public Service announcements 1.8/1 Ad to PSA How can we let this happen? Characteristics good looking partiers Humour sex appeal. Problem Attractive to younger generations as well
Why is this happening? Notice Restrictions on advertising category How many Yes can you see? void in regulations
Morbidity, Health, and Social Problems from alcohol use 1 litre increase per capita alcohol consumption = 5.9 male and 1.9 female mortalities per inhabitants Also, +1 litre = 17% in male and 13% female increase in total cirrhosis rate (chronic liver disease)
38.6% of fatal motor vehicle crashes were attributed to alcohol in 199
Groups at particular risk Women Youth Seniors First Nations and Inuit peoples Driving-while- impaired offenders First Nations youths 2- 6 times greater risk
Money Money Money
Chart Information 14.6 billion 36.6% of total costs for substance abuse 7.1 billion due to productivity loss 2.3 billion for law enforcement 1.1 billion in direct costs 15% of Health Care budget due to Alcohol
Prevention MADD support services to victims heighten awareness save lives and prevent injuries on the road. 2002, 53 million dollars spent by the government of Canada million for research 33.9 million for prevention programs 1.8 for salaries and operating funds
Prevention Policies Zero Tolerance Policy Drinking Ages Breath Sampling
What to Consider Void in Advertisement Policy Approx. 11% of healthcare budget is spent Government Spent 53 million on prevention, is this enough?
Questions Should alcohol Producers be on the list of Key Players in making alcohol policy? Should the Drinking age in Ontario be raised? Why isnt there strong regulations for advertisement?
References Carpenter, C. Did Ontarios Zero Tolerance and Graduated Licensing Law Reduce Youth Drunk Driving?, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Fortin, R and Rempel B. The Effectiveness of Regulating Alcohol Advertising: Policies and Public Health. Ontario Health Promotion E-Bulletin 16 Dec Benjamin T, Rehm, J, Patra J, Popova S, and Baliunas D. Alcohol-attributable morbidity and resulting health care costs in Canada in 2002: recommendations for policy and prevention. Journal of Studies on Alcohol Jan 07: pg 36(12) Rehm J, Ballunas D, Brochu S, Fischer B, Gnam W, Patra J, Popova S, Samocinska-Hart A, Taylor B. The Costs of Substance Abuse in Canada 2002 Highlights. Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. Global Status Report: Alcohol Policy The World Health Organization. Global Status Report on Alcohol 2004: Part II: report by country profiles The World Health Organization. Global Status Report: Alcohol Policy The World Health Organization Liquor Advertising Guidelines: Liquor Sales Licensees and Manufacturers Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario August Alcohol Licensing AGCO: Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario About the LCBO LCBO: Liquor Control Board of Ontario