Parts of a Lesson Plan Any format that works for you and your JTEs is ok… BUT! Here are some ideas that might help you set up your LP format. The ALTs look at the eg lesson plans in their books and discuss the parts and why they are there?
Parts of a Lesson Plan Date Location Topic Lesson Goal or objective Materials
Parts of a Lesson Plan Warm-up Lesson Lead-in/Hook I Do: Explain material or activity We Do: Demonstrate with JTE or a student You Do: Students complete activity themselves Cool Down Note: Keep activities short (10-15 min)…students have short attention spans)
Supports and Extensions Not all your students will be at the same level in English. “Supports” provide extra help for those students who need a little extra help. “Extensions” provide an extra activity for those students who finish quickly.
Basics on Assessment Why we assess to decide what to teach/review next. to measure/report on what was learned. To check our students learning or performance and to check the effectiveness of our curriculum Note – I probably don’t need to go through all of this at the start… I will skim through a lot of it, and get into the nitty gritty in group time (I have handouts)
Types of assessment Formal Assessment written graded “objective” there is only a single correct answer T/F, multiple choice, matching Informal Assessment performances portfolios peer/self evaluation rubric “subjective” there are many ways to be correct Essays, opinions
Keys to successful assessment Validity Reliability Bias
Assessment - Validity Does the assessment actually evaluate what you want to check? A student can speak great English, but if they don’t understand the instructions or vocabulary, they don’t have a chance to perform at their level of ability on a speaking test. Grading Essays: what is the goal of the essay? Communication? Vocabulary use? Grammar. Decide what is important and try to ignore the rest when possible.
Assessment - Reliability Is the assessment consistent in evaluating across students (and even across evaluators)? A vague scale for grading presentations enables evaluators to change their opinions on students performance.
Assessment - Reliability Imagine a speech contest where the judges are allowed to give 50 points, but aren’t told how the 50 points are allotted If they dislike the subject or something about the student, they may deduct points unfairly. For good reliability, the point system for grading should be objective. Students should know exactly what to do to earn the points. This gives the a clear goal to work toward.
Assessment - Bias BIASED What color is the light? It’s blue in Japan (even though Japanese recognize the color as green outside this context). Bias: Does the assessment unexpectedly give unfair advantage or disadvantage to certain students? BIASED
Thus, good assessment is… Reliable – i.e. consistent. Students with similar abilities will get similar scores, even at different times with different assessors. Valid – i.e. it measures what it is supposed to measure. Unbiased – i.e. it doesn’t unfairly advantage or disadvantage any students. NOTE: There can unfortunately sometimes be a trade-off between these two. A highly reliable test (eg all multi-choice vocab test) might not be very valid for testing conversational ability, but a highly valid test (eg an interview conversation test) might not be very reliable (might be influenced by many irrelevant factors).
Assessment Tools Test (multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, essay) Rubric (scale to make subjective scoring objective) Student Portfolio Observation Student Reflection
Assessment Tools Test (multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, essay) Rubric (scale to make subjective scoring objective) Student Portfolio Observation Student Reflection
Final words on Assessment Remember to self-assess Ask JTEs for advice, they are the best source If all students fail, ask “Did you fail as a teacher?” Get feedback from students Remember Japan is a different culture and certain lesson ideas that work great back home won't necessary work here.
Time to Practice In small groups, use the A3 lesson plan templates to make a plan for the topic you are given. Make sure to include some supports and extensions. Try to include components of all 4 skills. If there is going to be one plan for each group, we should say the group scribe can keep the big plan at the end. Therefore, the other members should make notes about their plan on page 17.
Lesson Plan Bazaar Now we’ll have some time to read each other’s great ideas. You can present your lesson plan and the other groups can give you some feedback. Feedback : Extra ideas for the topic Anything is ok
Lesson Plan Rubric Class Goal Lesson Objective Tasks Responsibilities Materials
Teaching Resources (Pg 36) Clip Art Grammar Videos Assessment Materials