GAF: AH systems analysis approach Evgeny Knutov Paul De Bra Mykola Pechenizkiy


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Presentation transcript:

GAF: AH systems analysis approach Evgeny Knutov Paul De Bra Mykola Pechenizkiy

Adaptation process modeling / Department of Computer Science PAGE Classic loop user modeling - adaptation Munich Model: Lifecycle of Adaptation Generic Adaptivity Model GOMAWE

Classification of AH methods and techniques; adaptation process / Department of Computer Science PAGE Classification of AH methods and techniques integrated with adaptation process Basis for the AHS layered structure

GAF layered model / Department of Computer Science PAGE GAF aligns the order of the layers in the system according to the classification of AH methods and techniques Rotate layered structure of GAF and match with adaptation process flowcharts GAF layered structure building blocks

GAF “sequence chart” / Department of Computer Science PAGE

Use-case: GAF - RecSys / Department of Computer Science PAGE

Use-case: GAF - WWW Search / Department of Computer Science PAGE

GAF scenarios / case-studies Conventional AHS (e.g. AHA, APeLS, KBS- Hyperbook, etc.) eLearning (e.g. GRAPPLE) Recommender Systems (HeyStaks, Twittomender) WWW Search Semantic Web enabled AHS (CHIP, iFanzy) / Department of Computer Science PAGE

Key elements of GAF sequence chart Layered structure preserved in a “sequence” Layers aligned with adaptation/provenance questions Layers aligned with process and flowchart Layers determine (de) composition of the GAF model / Department of Computer Science PAGE

AHS Analysis Approach / Department of Computer Science PAGE GAF AHS Analysis Scenarios Specific Questions GAF AHS Analysis Sensitivity Points Trade-offs GAF AHS Analysis system scenarios description (e.g. RecSys, eLearn., AHS, etc.) e.g. service-based architecture vs. event-driven or DB alternative blocks / implementations, optional elements elementary base concerns (mandatory vs. optional elements composition) dependencies involved, implementation, complexity, etc.

Domain Model abstraction class / Department of Computer Science PAGE Properties Methods Scenarios Technologies Data

Domain Model dependencies example / Department of Computer Science PAGE

GAF blocks high-level dependencies DM properties and methods Scenario Resource Model Adaptation Engine User Model concept treeconventional AHS, eLearning content pages, frames ECA reasoning, prerequisites UM overlay feature space RecSysdatasetpromotions and ranking mechanisms implicit user modelling indexadaptive search WWWrankingimplicit user modelling / Department of Computer Science PAGE

Summarizing Reference Structure System Analysis Compatibility and Compliance Complexity and Performance Comparison Modifiability Extensions / Department of Computer Science PAGE

/ Department of Computer Science PAGE Thanks! Discussion! and Questions?