Broadcast Connect Generate to the Worldyour Communities traffic & Revenue
Earthbooktv is Web 2.0 User-Centred Social Networking Live Communication Sharing Content Collaborating Rich Media Provides New Advertising New Revenue Streams
What does this Mean? Your site visitors want to participate. Your Organization can become the centre of a media network that people want to link to: blogs, YouTube, mash-ups, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The more LINKS, the more USERS, the more $$
What Happened? Growing bandwidth, Cheap storage, easy & cheap access to the means of production – produce your own content Youtube viewership reached 100 Million views a day in 2006 End of the dominance of the one-way medium of TV: ie: big broadcasters pushing content out on on their own schedules Proliferation of laptops & mobile devices: more people are consuming their media online Shift in consumer behaviour/demands Advertisers follow the viewers…. online
Advertising Dollars moving online.. Internet Advertising largest growth of all Media advertising. - Expected to grow 20% (b/t 2009 – 2012) Represents a New opportunity for Content Producers that did not exist a few years ago.
Its all about the Network Whats Hot on C.A.N.?
T&T Film Festival Channel on C.A.N. All Channel Features: -Video Player with HD -Click-to-Call video -Press Room -Members Club -Photos -Message Board / Wall -Web Conferencing -Live Web Cam -Newsletters -Privacy Settings -Pages -Maps -Facebook Integration -Related Channels - Store & Shopping cart (option) Share
Sustainability for BSOs Online Earthbooktv Platform Provides: An online HOME for your Organization: beyond a static web page or Directory Capacity Building Gives Each of your members a media-rich website Channel with media networking tools they can manage themselves Online Tutorials Online workshops Tech support Better Communications across your organization Newsfeed Forum Updated contact Lists Newsletters Increase Exposure Regionally & Internationally Better visibility for members – cross- promotion
Your Network gives your Members… Revenue Generating Options – New ad model – Page views = Revenue for the Network – Online Store & shopping Cart for Members on their Channel Enhance the VALUE of the Membership – A powerful calling card to your organization – competitive advantage – A value-added item for the membership dues Increase Competitiveness through Innovation – Be export-ready – Canadian example – Web 2.0 is a REQUIREMENT for Canadian content producers – Get ahead of the curve – exploit the Web 2.0 opportunities Networking Opportunities – A cluster of Caribbean Networks on the same platform creates amazing Networking opportunities Affordable Advertising Opportunities
Members, Maps, & More…
Live Web Cam
A New Paradigm on C.A.N. Control the distribution of your own Content on the Network. Host LIVE web events at Film Festivals Get cross-promotion through other Channels in the Network Let fans sample your content on HD Video Player Let fans & clients post their comments to your Channel Manage a data base of potential customers Participate in workshops, training and meetings online Build new audiences around the world Traffic on the network can generate revenue for C.A.N. (self-sustaining model for the organization)
Create A Channel on the Network in 4 Steps C.A.N.s Network provides easy-to-use tools for members. Create Launch Manage Connect Your own Channel on the Network. No need for a Webmaster
Add Your Tools
-Providing solutions for Organizations and Networks -Caribbean Audiovisual Network -Caribbean Fashion Network -Building custom Channels for Canadian Broadcasters & TV Producers -Partner with Zoomermedia Television Division In 10 million Canadian households -Exposure in Canada for the Caribbean Networks through cross- promotional opportunities -Developing new applications and software for distribution, media networking and business
Project Partners Caribbean Export Development Agency Caribbean Audiovisual Network Fashion Industry Association C.A.N. F.I.A.