Attention (your target market) !
Are you (their problem) ?
Do you (their problem) ?
Do you feel (their problem) ?
Do you wish you (their problem) ?
Guess what. Me too. I used to be the same way.
But now things are different for me, and they can be different for you too.
I know, it sounds crazy right? Sounds like one of those things that are too good to be true? But I promise you it's possible.
All the great marketing tactics will only get lots of people to start watching your video.
And I promise you that by the end of this video, you'll see how and why it's possible.
And guess what. It doesn't involve (something they dont want to do).
And best of all, it doesn't involve (something they dont want to do).
Im going to show you an amazingly (benefit adjective) way to (major benefit), without (customer concern).
By the end of this short video, Ill show you (some enticing thing you can teach them later that theyll stick around for).
What Ill show you is something that anybody can do/use.
You just have to (hint about what the secret is). (The product) can help you.
Its a (product description) that (product benefits) and is so good that I guarantee that youll (benefit you can guarantee).
I used to be like you. I used to be (problem). And if I can do it you can do it.
I know what youre thinking: (objection).
I was like that too. (Story about how you used to be like them).
But then… (Story about finding success).
Heres what I did: (Details of how you solved the problem).
And guess what. It worked.
I started (details of your success).
The results were unbelievable.
I felt (positive adjective).
I started to (benefit).
I was able to (benefit).
I began to (benefit).
Since then, I have… (something that adds credibility).
This stuff isnt hard to do. Its actually quite easy, and anybody can do it, including you.
You dont have to be (customer concern).
Not only that, but its something that doesnt take hours and hours to learn/do. Dont believe me?
Let me give you an example of just one thing that you can start using right now.
Heres one of the most valuable secrets that youll learn: (Explain valuable information).
It really is that easy. Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it.
You can have… (something they want in life).
If you buy (product), it means never (something they dont want in life).
I know this seems too good to be true. But let me prove it to you. Check this out… (statistics). (verification). (testimonials).
Heres what youll get. (Product described in parts at a high level)
It used to be that, to get all this information, youd have to (something difficult to do), which cost (something more than your product).
But now, (product) provides a much more affordable alternative. So how much is it?
You can get (product) right now for just (initial price).
But I've got good news! For a limited time, I'm offering a discount if you order right now.
If you order right now, and get started today, you'll save (amount of savings) dollars, and get (product) for only (discounted price) dollars!
That's right, instead of paying (initial price) dollars, if you buy right now, you'll only pay (discounted price) dollars. That's an amazing deal, for a program that will (do something good).
But to get that price, you have to order right now, by pressing the "add to cart" button below.
The discount is only available for a limited time, so I hope you'll take advantage of it right now, and save (amount of savings) dollars by pushing the "add to cart" button below right now.
Even at that amazingly low price, I know that for some people that's still a lot of money to risk.
Which is why I'm going to make this an easy decision for you and eliminate all the risk. If you're not happy with (product) at all, just me within (guarantee period) days of purchasing, and I'll immediately refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.
So all the risk is on my end. You literally have nothing to lose. Push the "add to cart" button below, get immediate access to (product), and start using it today.
And if all that weren't enough, I've got (number of bonuses) bonuses I'm going to include, just to help you even more.
The army walked straight into the city and easily took control, ending the war decisively.
(bonus #1) (bonus #2) (bonus #3)
That's over (value of bonuses) worth of bonus material, and all of it is free, included in the discounted price if you order now and push the "add to cart" button below.
All of that, the entire (product), plus all those bonuses, for just (discounted price) dollars. Just push the "add to cart" button below.
But you've got to act now, because the (amount of discount) dollar discount, and the bonuses, will only be available for a limited time. After that, you'll have to pay the full (full price) dollar price.
Don't be (their problem) anymore.
The (product) can help you easily (benefit), (benefit), and (benefit). Hopefully, it's a simple decision. You've got the opportunity to (benefit).
Push the "add to cart" button now, and get started right away.
(Number of customers) of people just like you have already benefited from (product). If they can do it, you can do it.
Heres what a few of them have said about the product: (Testimonial #1) (Testimonial #2) (Testimonial #3)
You can have the SAME success those people had. It's time to make this happen.
This is where you decide things will change for you. You can (benefit).
The (product) can help get you there. Push the "add to cart" button now, and it's all yours.
The whole (product), plus the bonuses. You'll save (discount) dollars and pay only (discounted price) dollars, all without any risk.
Thanks for watching. Click the "add to cart" button to order right now.