Starting off on Twitter CEOs perspective
About me
Why did I start? A debate was happening, and I was outside of it A new communication opportunity Curiosity Felt like it needed to be part of my leadership approach
How to start? Consult your comms team Make sure that you have something interesting to share Listen for a while first, then take the plunge! Learn RTs and hashtags Dont join in because everyone else is on Twitter Dont update your followers about your everyday life
Vision Push the concept of openness Be accessible, authentic, personal Create ability to land messages Help shift from faceless bureaucrat to visible leader Position the organisation within the wider debate
Is it me, or is it the organisation? Decide on a strategy and be consistent Personal tweets – make sure to specify whos views do you represent Link
Why continue - opportunities Feeling of being involved and informed Sense of what others are thinking / feeling Endless learning curve – articles, papers, blogs Influence debates Fun!
Build up an audience Signposting Picking up ideas Blogs can expand on Twitter themes Developing a presence Tweeting and blogging go together!
Lack of control Press might be watching Individuals will be watching Once it is online- it stays there forever Dont add on to Twitter fails… There are risks too…
Twitter enables: Engagement Creating a values base Building reputation on-line (for yourself and the organization) …but it might just be worth it!
Future plans Increasing the audience Engaging staff? Open Day / Twitter events Start to shape agenda more / be controversial? How will social media itself develop?
Any questions?