Origin8 in Vietnam ベトコン流Origin8のすすめ Presentation July 15, 2008
Hotel Nikko Hanoi
Vietnam Population – 83Million with annual growth rate of 2.23% Average age – 25 years old and 40% of population is under 20 yrs old. GDP – 8.7% Area – North to the south 1,650Km, East to the west 600Km
Current issues and problems Environmental and sociological issues Bilateral relationships with other countries (Vietnam War finished 1976) APEC (2006) & WTO(2007) Melting Pot
Street Vendors
Issues and difficulties Staff education level in general is low Service Level in general is low Training needs (Team building) Turnover high Morals of local middle managers Staff is not Having fun
Local Staff
The Answer Origin 8
When we start? Joined in Jul 2007 Started Origin8 campaign in Aug 2007 Situation: Weekly Origin8 meeting Meeting was only available on management level Very less staff know about Origin8 People don’t remember and don’t really understand the meaning of each principle
Brand Committee meeting Origin8 activities Daily Chanting Good job! Review MVP Circle Activity Brand Committee meeting Status when I came Jul-07 x Present status Jul-08 o
Origin8 activities in details
Daily chanting 1. Daily activities Daily chanting have been implemented last month in most hotel’s section. It has been conducting in Vietnamese since Vietnamese Origin8 book has been introduced
By using Good job box, there are more good jobs have been recognized. Good job review Using Origin8 board to share good Job sheets in month and update also other Orign8 information By using Good job box, there are more good jobs have been recognized.
2. Weekly activities Origin8 meeting Weekly Origin8 meetings: to establish different campaign in each period. Origin8 meeting enhance presentation skills and group working.
Photo of Origin8 team There were 8 Origin8 secretaries from 8 different departments, they was assigned to be in charged and assist Head department in term of promoting Origin 8 within their own perspective department.
3. Monthly activities Birthday Party Here are some photos about Birthday Party. I feel it is very important to hold the party every month because it brings a chance for staff and management to stay closer and having more contact.
Housekeeping Olympic With a purpose of having funs at work, Housekeeping Olympic was organized.
Origin8 training class To promote Origin8 efficiently, first of all, staff must first understand the significance of Origin8. Therefore we’ve decided to conduct Origin8 in monthly basic. In the session, we explain in details 8 Origin8 principles, and also we bring out some situation and teach them how to handle with different case. To promote Origin8 efficiently, staff must first understand the significance of Origin8. Thus we runs an Origin 8 Class that is attend by staff from different hotel’s section.
Established Brand Improvement Committee to select EOQs MVP system Established Brand Improvement Committee to select EOQs BI selects EOQs from Good Job received. Then submit the selection to Executive Committee in order to have final decision. The executive Committee includes GM, DOS, FBD and FC
Employee awards and publicizes Good Job award EOQ awards: Employee of the quarter: from front of the house and back of the house Casual of the quarter Manager of the quarter Previously, we do have EOQ, employee of the quarter, but from now on we also have Casual of the quarter and Manager of the quarter. There are a bit different between Casual and contract staff since casual staff is a kind of part time employee, they receive different benefits than contract staff.
Origin8 painting campaign
To increase staff initiative, hotel had launched Origin8 painting campaign to enhance staff thinking, creative ideas and distribution.
Painting results
Team building Group member proposed their idea for solving assignment. GM explained the assignment question
Besides working with assignments, we also did many role plays to recognize how teams work together.
Changes Origin8 is more well known in the hotel, more people get understand about 8 principle of the Origin8 More people get involved into Origin8 activities More good job are nominated and selected from among staffs. More works being done by proactively than being forced
Guest comments
Action plan Follow up the structure of JHC hotels to complete 7 steps like: daily chanting, good job review, MVP system and circle activity.. Establish an effective training program middle management level such as: leadership skills, followed up customer care, and team building Rotated Origin8 secretaries in each department in order to get more people involved in Origin 8 campaigns and activities.
Recommendation Origin8 poster should be used simple English, easy to understand and be more specific Cross training for Origin8 secretariats to exchange and share information among Nikko hotels.