Emailing For Dollars How To Write Emails The Brings In Clients And Closings!! Those that do exactly as I show here will learn how to turn your computer into a money making machine that anybody can learn to operate. You will be able to turn on the faucet any time you want to generate a flood of new business while you spend more time doing the things you like doing.
Who Am I And What Qualifies Me… You being here today is proof that emails work. Of all the emails that you get, mine must have spoken to you or you wouldn’t be here. I bring in over $100,000 per month strictly on income directly resulting from my email campaigns. Today, I’m going to show you my inside secrets that I have learned on my bumpy ride to success. I’ll show you the easy ways and the pot holes to avoid.
What You Will Learn Today How To Create A Killer Email Promotion Creating A Great Outline To Make It Easy Getting In Their Mind To Persuade Them To Act Make It Look Pretty Before Clicking “Send” Whatever Else I Come Up With Read slide
What To Do First Get The Right Mindset It’s NOT a light switch Skill That Is Developed No Overnight Success Stories Like Driving A Car Riding A Bike It’s not a light switch where you can’t get better at it. But like driving a car, after awhile you do it without even thinking about it. The more you do it, the better you get. You can read a book about how to ride a bike, but it’s not until you get out there and pedal it does things start to really click for you and you get better at it.
Here’s A Simple Trick When you receive a “killer” email promotion from somebody else, copy it in your own handwriting.
Use An Email Address That Has Your URL Don’t use use
Write Down Your Intention What Do You Want To Accomplish With The Email You Are Sending Out? Do you want to meet with 20 real estate agents within 2 weeks Do you want 4 applications Read slide. This helps you from getting off of the subject when writing the email. Keeps you focused. Basically you are writing down goals. Anything that is not directly heading toward your goal needs to be deleted from the email.
Ask The 5 Golden Questions Who are you? What do you want? (realtor to ask for free report so I can build my list) Why should I care? (would you like to see how I get hundreds of qualified buyers)(are you tired of struggling?) What’s in it for me? (you get a free report on how to get hundreds of leads with a zero dollar marketing budget) What do I do now? (put your info in right over there and I’ll rush this free report to you) Literally write out an outliine by asking these 5 golden questions. I answer these in my outline by using just a few key words. So who am I: Carl White What do you want: I want the agent to ask for a free report to build my list.
Create Subject lines That Get Opened! The Only Function Of The Subject Line Is To Get Your Email Opened You are not trying to sell anything in the subject line, just to open the email before deleting it.
Don’t give too much info in subject line More On Subject Lines Don’t give too much info in subject line If you give too much information in the subject line, they don’t need to open the email. Don’t do that. You want them to open up your email and read what you want them to read.
Samples Example of bad subject line: “First Name, here is the information on the $8,000 tax credit plan” Example of good subject line: “Here is the insider information that you need” Read slide
Secrets About Personalization Do not personalize emails just because you heard it has better pull rates Don’t use the first name just because you know how Bad Example: “First name, the insider secrets that you need to know” read
Secrets About Personalization Good Example: Hey First name, check out these secrets that you need to know. The only reason to use first names is to make it sound conversational. Then the next step is to make people curious. Next slide.
More On Subject Lines Write “Blind” subject lines. Example: Here’s some insider info that will really help out. Blind means that you are telling them they will benefit, but you don’t actually tell them what it’s about. If they want to know what it’s about, they have to open it.
Example of NOT Blind This example is not blind and gives the secret away: Here’s the information about the $8,000 tax credit for first time homebuyers In this example, the reader doesn’t have a reason to open the email because they think they have all the information they need.
Subject Line Benefit Oriented Whiff of the pie, not the whole pie Always show how they will benefit or that they will benefit in the subject line. They should get a whiff of benefit, but not be told how the benefit will be done.
Example Subject Line “How To Get $8,000 From The Government”
Ask A Question In Your Subject Line Example: Did you make this same mistake last time you bought a house? Just make sure you do not answer the question, or even tell what the subject of the question is in the subject line. They have to open up the email to see the true subject of the question. Curiosity here!!
Now That They Have Opened Your Email, How Do You Keep Them Interested? The job of the subject line is to get them to open it, the job of the opening lines is to get them to read further.
Talk To Your Reader Like He Is A Buddy
Don’t Yell At Your Friends Next slide
Another Mistake Talking too loud (writing with all capitals and using a ton of exclamation points) Example: Hey first name, IT’S TIME TO REFI NOW. I CAN GET YOU THE BEST RATE!!!!!!!
Don’t Go Right Into The “Pitch”
Don’t Act Like You Are Talking To A Crowd Speak to them like you are talking to one person. Avoid things like “so many of you have said I’m great….’
Fatal Mistakes In The Email Body Next slide
Mistake Not understanding that your reader only cares about what’s in it for him In initial emails, people don’t care about you, and don’t want information about you, they only want to know what’s in it for them.
Example of “Too Much Info” Gee, first name, It’s me, Carl. I am so tired from pulling an all nighter last night locking in all the new clients that are wanting to refinance. I was going to take the family to dinner, but knew how important this was for all of my clients.
Other “No No’s” Don’t talk about what is going on in my personal life How many hours I work All the vacations that I am taking The fancy car I drive, etc…
Make Your Body Easy To Read Remember that most people will scan your message before they read them If it large paragraphs, it will look to hard and they wont read it Use 50 character lines of text Use Arial # 12 Font
The Key is The Call To Action Call to action is: What is the exact action I want my client to do.. Call me Email me Forward my message to their friends
Why Now???? You have to give them a reason to take action right now, or they will simply delay and forget. How do you get them to act now? Read then answer question: Scarcity. Next slide
Scarcity. Next slide
Scarcity Time based Quantity based
Fire Sales You are going to pay $500 of closing costs for the next 3 days, then $300 next 3 days, then $100 next 3 days. The purpose is to shove everybody in the first 3 days.
Notes On “PS’s” Other than the headline, this is the most read part of an email They increase results Makes your message more interesting to read Comes across as more personal
Different Kinds Of “PS’s” Testimonial PS (social proof) Example: You don’t have to take my word for it, listen to what Sue and Bob Linker said about how they enjoy their new house….. Bonus PS Example: --update: I just got off the phone with the real estate agent, they are going to throw in a 1 year home warrantee..
More on PS’s The “Oops, I forgot something” PS Example: I forgot to mention, the title company has agreed to pay an additional $200 of your closing costs if you take action by Tuesday.
Most Common Email Mistakes Overuse of personalization Making your email to formal (should sound conversational) Making your email about too many things Not giving people a specific reason to act Talking about yourself too much