My AmeriCorps State and National Reports as an Information Tool Narrative from tutorial: Welcome to a tutorial on the reporting options in My AmeriCorps for AmeriCorps State and National programs. My name is Adam Farrar and I will be your guide during this short presentation. As your guide, you will hear my voice along the way. I have plenty of visuals to share such as screen shots of the real application, reports, and other graphics that help explain the various functions of the system. The purpose of this presentation is for you to familiarize yourself with the various reports and become comfortable enough that you can begin running reports yourself. As this tutorial plays, feel free to adjust the audio to your liking. Also, you can pause the tutorial and return to it later. Be sure to remember where you left off. You can always bring up the topic list and jump to a specific section. Let’s get started! Presentation developed for the Corporation for National and Community Service by the eGrants Coaching Unit JBS International, Aguirre Division (2009); 1-888-333-8272
Agenda Reporting: turning “data” into “information” Importance of inputting correct report criteria Report output options and benefits Review of Reports Enrollment Approval Cycle Time Exit Approval Cycle Time Member Roster Retention Rate Slots Table User Role What’s next? Enrollment Rate Member Download Member Roster by Count Service Location Table Audit Narrative from tutorial: We have a lot of ground to cover as there are many reports in the system. We’ll briefly review the benefit and importance of running reports, the input and output options for those reports, and then jump in to each report and review its contents and purpose. In addition to this tutorial, you can also download this PowerPoint presentation for reference. And of course, should you need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us. I’ll provide contact information at the end. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Turning data into information Reporting in My AmeriCorps provides Timely up to date information In formats that are easy to understand Flexible for further analysis Reports in My AmeriCorps delivers powerful information for Making the most informed decisions Monitoring program and/or grantee performance Measuring and improving performance Validating adherence to Corporation policy Retrieving information for the purpose of verification and documentation Narrative from tutorial: When you run a report, it is generated from the same data in the system, so the reports are as timely and up to date as your current data. The reports have been designed so they can easily be understood. In addition, the reports are provided in a flexible format so that you can perform a deeper analysis on your data. The information in these reports will keep you up to date and able to make informed decisions. Some reports should be run on a regular basis as they monitor performance and can be used to watch for changes. Other reports, such as the enrollment and exit reports, will aid in the adherence to Corporation policy. Reports can be either saved or printed for documentation purposes. While some of these reports are single pages, many of them are quite lengthy and we urge you to “go green" whenever possible. Let’s move onto report inputs. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Inputting correct report criteria Take time to carefully input your report criteria Reports will run faster when providing more information Reports will likely be more useful if key criteria is provided Save a tree “Most” reports will ask for Report name Program Code Program Year Report Format Narrative from tutorial: The majority of reports list the same criteria. When you select or input these criteria be sure it’s what you want. The more specific your criteria, the faster and shorter your reports will run. Of course, you may want to run reports with a wider range, revealing information on all programs that you have access to. Remember that reports are limited to the data or programs for which you have access. We’ll talk about saving reports a bit later in this tutorial. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Additional Report Inputs A few reports will ask for additional input parameters such as the member, service location, and table audits. Some inputs are mandatory, some optional A limited number of reports will ask you for additional criteria such as date ranges, if you wish to include operating sites, and a defined status. Remember the asterisk means these inputs are required in order for the report to generate. Now, let’s move onto report output options and benefits. The Table audit reports are the most complex eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Report output options and benefits PDF Excel HTML CSV (Comma Separated Value) Benefits Professional published look Option to “work with data” in a spreadsheet Easy to publish to a web page or for viewing inside a browser For use by a wide variety of third party programs Naming the output file (Be sure to change from the default – which is the same for all reports) Patience: Reports take time to generate. Don’t reload! Narrative from tutorial: For all reports, there are four options for output. These options may be familiar to you as other web-based applications typically offer them as well. The PDF option is great for a clean look, but also useful for filing - either in digital format (save file) or print. We recommend using the Excel output option if you wish to perform work with the data in spreadsheet format. CSV or comma separated values is the best option for working with 3rd party software or may be best for uploading data to other systems. HTML is best for quickly viewing the report results within the browser. If you want to go beyond viewing, the other three options are best. If you chose to save the file, it’s important to change the filename as all reports will have the same generic filename. Be sure to name the file so that it’s most meaningful for current and future use. Finally, some of these reports take time to process. Please give the system adequate time to process the report. It may take several minutes depending on the report and the criteria that you enter. Now, let’s begin looking at reports, starting with where to find them. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Reporting 6 eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017 3/25/2017 Narrative from tutorial: After logging into the system you will see S&N Reports on the left navigational panel. Please note tutorials are provided on Create and Manage an eGrants Account as well as User Roles and Management for My AmeriCorps. For details, go to the Resource Center website. The URL will be provided at the end of this tutorial. Click on the S&N Reports link and the report menu will appear as a drop down. Let’s review the reports now. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017 3/25/2017
Enrollment Approval Cycle Time Answers the question: Were all of my members' enrollments approved within 30 days of the start of service? Displays the number of days between enrollment and activation (*please note that enrollment date, activation date, as well as all the days in between are counted). Activation date is the approval date. No summary. Narrative from tutorial: If you need to know if you completed your enrollments within 30 days, then this report is for you! The report displays grant year, program name, member, as well as the enrollment date information, which includes the number of days that lapsed between enrollment and activation (*please note that enrollment date, activation date, as well as all the days in between are counted). The activation date is the approval date. A summary is not included on this report. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Enrollment Rate Answers the question: What percentage of slots are filled in my program(s)? This percent is called the average enrollment rate. Includes summary. Narrative from tutorial: The average enrollment rate calculation equals the percentage of slots filled. It displays by program. This report sorts by program and is short and to the point as it does not contain individual member detail. A summary is included on this report. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Exit Approval Cycle Time Answers the question: How many days lapse between the actual completion date and the exit activation date? This report provides both dates and counts for the days in between and is listed by program and individual member (*please note that the actual completion date, exit activation date, as well as all the days in between are counted). Exit activation date is the approval date. No summary. Narrative from tutorial: This report is similar to the enrollment approval cycle time, though now we are taking a look at exit approval cycle times. It reports the number of days that lapse between the actual completion date and the exit activation date (*please note that the actual completion date, exit activation date, as well as all the days in between are counted). It’s in the same format as the enrollment cycle time report. The exit activation date is the approval date. A summary is not included on this report. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Member Download Report This report provides a comprehensive listing of member information including permanent and current address, phone, email, status, slot type, living allowance, hours, start and completion dates. The member status is not an indication of whether or not a member exited with or without an award. Programs should see the member roster report for that information. If you need a comprehensive listing of member information, this report may fit your need. This report provides a comprehensive listing of member information including permanent and current address, phone, email, status, slot type, living allowance, hours, start and completion dates. The member status is not an indication of whether or not a member exited with or without an award. Programs should see the member roster report for that information. Please note that the program enrollment date and end date are the program's member enrollment period. They are not the member‘s actual term of service dates, which is listed to the far right of the table. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Member Roster Report Do you need to see a member roster broken down by Award Status? Did not earn an award Earned an award Earning an award Education Award Under Review Provides sub total for each category above. Narrative from tutorial: The member roster report is quite useful as it breaks down members by their award status. There are 4statuses: Did not earn an award, Earned an award, Earning an award, and Education Award under Review. Earning an award indicates that the member is still in service. Subtotals are provided for each category. Remember that the member status is not an indication of whether the member exited with or without an award. And "Education Award Under Review” status is basically a Trust hold on a member's ability to access an award. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Member Roster by Count Report This report provides many useful counts related to awards, slots, and transfers. Narrative from tutorial: This is great aggregate report. It breaks down member counts in several useful ways such as by award, enrollment status, slot type, and transfers. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Retention Rate Calculation The retention rate is determined by the number of members “active“ plus “exited with an award” divided by the number of slots filled. The report displays by program, though also includes totals for all programs, along with the average retention rate. Narrative from tutorial: The retention rate calculation report is a very popular and informative report. The retention rate is determined by the number of members “active“ plus “exited with an award” divided by the number of slots filled. The report displays by program, though also includes totals for all programs, along with the average retention rate. A total average retention rate is included at the end of the report. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Service Location Report This reports totals MSY and total members for each service location. Also includes basic service location information, along with operating site information. Narrative from tutorial: If your program has service locations you will find this report beneficial. This report totals MSY and total members for each service location. Also included is basic service location information, along with operating site information (if applicable). eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Slot Table Report Need to know all your slot and MSY counts ? Awarded, Filled, Refilled, Serving in Third Term, Available Slots, Available Refill . Narrative from tutorial: This is my personal favorite! It covers all your slot and MSY counts. The report is very wide, so if you are going to print this, use landscape format. As you will see here, we had to cut up the report to be able to show it in a single display. What slots does this cover, you ask? - - Awarded, Filled, Refilled, Serving in Third Term, Available Slots, Available Refill. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
User Role Report Need to see what roles a specific user has in a program? Reports specific user role Includes all service locations Listed by program year Narrative from tutorial: For some, user management is very important in terms of maintaining only valid accounts within the system. There is another tutorial available dedicated to User Roles and Management. Please refer to the Resource Center for details. This report is useful for those managing accounts. You can see what roles users have in a particular program or all programs that you manage. The report is specific to access levels and is listed by program year. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Table Audit Reports Used on an as-needed basis. Reports data changes in the database for various activities. Use when there is a dispute, concern, or question about changes in portions of the database. Provides historical review of key activities. Requires from and to dates. Addendum will be provided. Narrative from tutorial: You will most likely be accessing the table audit reports on an as needed basis. The audit reports are designed to report “data changes” in the data tables for various activities. The reports provide a “historical review” of key activities. You may be used to seeing “edit history” on the screens within an application, such as WBRS. You will now go to these reports to view this kind of information. The table audit reports are useful when there is a dispute, concern, or question about changes in portions of the database To and from date parameters are required input criteria. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
Table Audit Reports Grantee Permissions to Programs and Operating Sites Grantee Permission to Service Locations Slot Enrollment by Program Service Period General Member Information Member address Detailed Member Assignment Information Changes in Member Assignment Member Service Term Information Program Service Period Information Program Address Information Budgets Per Program Service Period Member Enrollment in the Trust Narrative from tutorial: This is the complete list of audit reports. At some point in the near future, the Corporation will provide an addendum to these reports which will provide further detail. Now, let’s wrap this tutorial. It has been a pleasure providing you with this information. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017
What’s Next? The Resource Center The eGrants Coaching Unit 21 The Resource Center Includes other tutorials Live training and registration schedule The eGrants Coaching Unit 1-888-333-8272 Training/Technical Assistance The eGrants Help Desk 1-888-677-7849 Technical Assistance User name/Password reset assistance Narrative from tutorial: This concludes our tutorial on reporting in My AmeriCorps. Please feel free to contact us at the eGrants Coaching Unit for further information. Tutorials and other useful material can be found at the Resource Center URL listed here. For technical support such as resetting username and password, please contact the eGrants Help Desk. We appreciate your taking the time to view this tutorial. We hope you enjoyed the experience. eGrants Coaching Unit 3/25/2017