Visualize Success 2011 Tony Gunter Professional Services Visual South, Inc. Advanced Browse and Excel Interface
Visualize Success 2012 Advanced Browse and Excel Interface –Powerful search and save features –Usable from almost all Visual windows –Quickly search for, find, and direct data to Excel –Reduce need for custom reports
Visualize Success 2012 Powerful Search and Save Features from VISUAL Windows –Choose the columns of data you want to see –Configure the search Options to suit your preferences Search on initial entry Auto browse enabled Keep browse visible Dynamic filter enabled –Save complex searches for repeat usage –Write your own SQL search queries –Send the results to an Excel spreadsheet
Visualize Success 2012 Choose the Columns of Data You Want to See –Include up to 25 columns of your choice –Change the order and column widths –Configuration saved on your workstation (or terminal server local configuration folder)
Visualize Success 2012 Configure the Search Options Click Options on the browse window menu –Search on initial entry Causes the search criteria window to open immediately when browse button first clicked –Auto browse enabled Tab starts a search on characters typed into the form field –Keep browse visible Browse window stays visible on desktop after selection of row –Dynamic filter enabled Search in Quick Filter field starts as criteria typed in
Visualize Success 2012 Save Complex Searches for Repeat Usage –Enter search criteria using the Search icon or Quick Filter icon on toolbar –Execute the search to test –When satisfied click Profile, Save As (give name) –To use later click Profile, Open (choose name)
Visualize Success 2012 Write Your Own SQL Search Queries –Click on Data, SQL –Enter SQL text: ID LIKE 'M%' AND FABRICATED='Y' –Click Save as Default to keep –To use later click Data, SQL, click check mark (OK)
Visualize Success 2012 Send the Results to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet –Perform search to bring up data –Click File, Export to Microsoft Excel –Be careful not to send huge list –Import from Excel secured by SYSADM
Visualize Success 2012 Thank You