1 color rein van den boomgaard
2 color images
5 the physics of color Light is electromagnetic energy
6 spectral color vs object color Lamp object color beam color
7 light source sensor object object color
9 photoreceptors in the retina
10 photoreceptors in the retina In the retina photoreceptors measure the light
11 photoreceptors in the retina Rods for low light levels (only B/W) Cones for normal light levels for color detection Three types of cones sensitive to different wavelenghts
12 sensitivity of the cones L M S
13 example
14 'calculate' SML
15 color blindness (see Wikipedia) Protanopia: Lacking the long-wavelength sensitive retinal cones, those with this condition are unable to distinguish between colors in the green-yellow-red section of the spectrum. They have a neutral point at a wavelength of 492 nmthat is, they cannot discriminate light of this wavelength from white. Deuteranopia: Lacking the medium-wavelength cones, those affected are again unable to distinguish between colors in the green-yellow-red section of the spectrum. Their neutral point is at a slightly longer wavelength, 498 nm.
16 color blindness about 10 percent of males is colorblind it is wise to check your colors in design to see whether colorblind people can distinguish the important colors
17 colorimetrie De SML gevoeligheidscurves zijn pas enige tientallen jaren met enige nauwkeurigheid bekend. Kleursystemen zijn veel ouder Colormatching: gebruik menselijk oog als meetinstrument om zoveel mogelijk de subjectiviteit van de menselijke beoordeling uit te sluiten 'vragen' we de mens alleen over gelijkheid van kleuren te oordelen
18 color matching experiment
19 rgb color matching functions
20 xyz color matching matrix
21 XYZ color system
22 chromaticity coordinates
23 xy – chromaticity diagram
24 color reproduction Faithfull color reproduction is possible using any three colorimetric independent light sources. a1a1 a2a2 a3a3
25 color reproduction
26 color reproduction a1a1 a2a2 a3a3
27 color gamut
28 color gamut
29 different color gamuts
30 RGB cube
31 RGB to XYZ
32 the RGB color cube
33 the RGB color cube
34 the RGB color cube
35 color camera’s a color CCD camera is either: 3 ‘parallel’ camera’s, one for Red, one for Green and one for Blue, or 3 ‘interwoven’ camera’s (Red, Green and Blue pixels mixed on the CCD: this is a lot like the human retina)
36 3 CCD color camera
37 Bayer color mosaic
38 finding Waldo
39 punctal COLOR observations
40 skin color
41 skin pixels, not-skin pixels RGB - space versus rgb - space skin color
42 skin color
43 hue – saturation – value hue: the dominant color (red/green/blue/...) saturation: pure color (saturation = 1) or almost colorless (mixed with grey: saturation = 0) value: the intensity (what you would see with a black and white camera)
44 hue – saturation – value
45 hue – saturation – valueB G R H S
46 hueB G R H S
47 color (hue) histogram