E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Application Specific Hosting Services: A Case Study with John Burson Controller at Architecture + Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Application Specific Hosting Your software is hosted off-site by a third party You retain ownership and control of your software You select who you want to consult on your software You receive support directly from your software vendor Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E John Burson – Controller at Architecture + Headquarters in Monroe, Louisiana –Architecture/Interiors –Civil Engineering –Structural Engineering –Construction Administration Founded in 1971 with merger of Johns and Neel, Architects and Rivers and Heuer, Architects 45 employees –Approximately 6 to 10 working remotely at given time Copyright TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Our evolving application hosting experience First encountered Deltek ® in 1998 through their acquisition of Harper and Shuman Initially utilized Deltek Advantage in-house Purchased Vision upgrade in 2002 Installed Vision upgrade in July 2004 off-site on dedicated Aplus.net server –Positive: Allowed for remote access –Negative: Difficult to secure 2005 purchased and installed a HP server and began running Vision in-house –Positive: Easier to secure –Negative: No remote access, Maintenance Copyright TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Our final switch Looking to have a system that was –Easier to maintain –More secure data and system backups –Free up our internal IT resource –Allow remote workers to have secure access –Have similar or lower cost of ownership/operation Met TBS at Deltek Insight 2007 – Las Vegas Copyright TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Working with the TBS Hosted Solution Up and running in one day Plus: –Our Architecture + IT personnel are free to focus on supporting our CADD applications –The system is secure –The software is always up to date –Hardware versus hosting costs are comparable –Total cost of ownership is lower Copyright TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Why Application Specific Hosting? On-Site Systems Require Hardware Investment –Security / Firewall –Servers Annual Maintenance –Hardware –Operating Systems Back Up Systems Deltek Patches & Upgrades IT Resources Hosted System Included –Security Included –Redundant Servers Included –Hardware & Operating System Maintenance Automated & Encrypted Automatically Applied 24 Hour Support Control User Access within Applications (only) Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E General Benefits of Application Specific Hosting Software ownership Frees up internal resources Speed 24-hour, specialized support Ease of implementation Tried and tested implementation templates Secure remote access Constant and secure data back-up Software that is always current A scalable solution Power savings / lower carbon footprint Option to host in your own facility Greater ROI – Lower on-site infrastructure and support costs Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E TBS Solutions Deltek Hosting Partner – 4+ years Focused on Deltek – Deltek Background Class A Data Center(s) –Nodes on the Internet Providing Hosting to approximately 400 Deltek clients –Over 13,000 Users Everyday –All sizes (10 – 3,500 employees) The Deltek Partners Partner –Supporting Multiple IT Service Providers & CPA Firms Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Enterprise Class Deltek Hosting Services Deltek Time & Expense – over 10k users GCS Premier – Windows & Mac Accessible Costpoint – Windows & Mac Accessible Cognos Vision EPM Automated Encrypted Backups Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E TBS Technical Specifications Class A Data Center(s) –Low Latency / High Bandwidth Network –Multi-factor Authentication Access to Facility –Cisco Powered Network Security –Hardware Based Encryption –Intrusion Detection –Multi-layer Security Hardware –IBM, Sun, Cisco –Xenon Multicore Servers (16/32 GB RAM) Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Deltek Access - Anywhere / Anytime Software Ownership without the IT Investment –Increased Security –Maximize your Return On Investment (ROI) Zero Hardware Investment Immediate Access Predictable and Affordable Cost Model Work from home or your favorite coffee shop Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC
E N T E R P R I S E C L A S S H O S T I N G S E R V I C E S | D E L T E K A C C E S S A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E Thank You Joe Jezior x302 Copyright 2009 TBS, LLC Jay Ethridge x301