Creating Your 10 Day Body Reset FYI - all bold & underlined text is linked to a page I would like you to check out for more information when creating your body reset. For example - 3oz Body Balance (to access page highlight text, right click text-> open hyperlink) 3oz Body Balance
A 3 Step Formula To Getting Your Healthy Body Back Time to workout your Muscle Memory and get your healthy firing patterns working strong again, so living a healthy lifestyle will come with little to no effort at all. Follow these 3 steps to create your plan: 1. Meal plan that follows these guidelines -Lots of fruits and veggies -Small amount of lean meat -Good amount of whole gains, nuts, legumes -One or two indulgence foods or drink 2. Exercise Plan that follows these guidelines: -A strength training component (visit ->Blog ->Categories -> Moves That Improve) - Cardio training high intensity day some moderate intensity days) -A stretch component (visit ->Blog ->Categories -> Moves That Improve) -Limited days off to really kickstart your body ->Blog ->Categories -> Mo 3. I Love Me Plan -For the next 10 days vouch to yourself that you will look in the mirror and say 1 thing you love about your body (no matter how hard it is). You HAVE to have a healthy relationship with your body or things will never change!it is). You HAVE to have a health My 10 Day Body Reset
Shopping List All Fruits & Vegetable Organic Meats Whole Grains My 10 Day Body Reset Other (condiments etc)
Day 1-2 Be Sure To Drink Lots Of Water All Day My 10 Day Body Reset Day 1 Upon rising -8oz of H2o Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfast hours later Mid-Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid-Day Snack hours later Dinner - Day 2 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance 3oz Body Balance Breakfast hours later Mid- Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid-Day Snack hours later Dinner - Day 3 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfas t hours later Mid-Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid Day Snack hours later Dinner - 1 hour later or at least two hours before bed Dessert -
Day 4-5 My 10 Day Body Reset Day 4 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfast hours later Mid-Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid-Day Snack hours later Dinner - Day 5 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfast hours later Mid- Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid-Day Snack hours later Dinner -
Day My 10 Day Body Reset Day 6 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Fly Solo Day- an indulgence and be a Food L.O.V.E.RFood L.O.V.E.R Day 7 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfas t hours later Mid-Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid Day Snack hours later Dinner - Day 8 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfast hours later Mid-Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid-Day Snack hours later Dinner -
Day 9-10 Day 9 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfast hours later Mid- Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid-Day Snack hours later Dinner - Day 10 Upon rising -8oz of H2o + 3oz Body Balance Breakfas t hours later Mid-Morning Snack hours later Lunch hours later Mid Day Snack hours later Dinner - 1 hour later or at least two hours before bed Dessert - My 10 Day Body Reset
Work Out Schedule Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - My 10 Day Body Reset
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My 10 Day Body Reset Fitness Profile Card Click Here To Follow Measurement & Testing Video
FAQs What will I need for the workout? A pair of dumbbells (3-8lbs), water and a positive attitude! How much room will it take? Push the coffee table aside and the living room works great! If you dont have a portable laptop you can always burn the workout to a DVD and watch in your DVD player. Do I have to exercise a hour a day? Nope! You can break up the work outs in 10+ minute increments throughout the day (be creative). Just make sure you do your best to finish the workout scheduled for that day. (hear me talk about this-watch video)(hear me talk about this-watch video) The 10 Day Body Reset
FAQs What if I miss a meal on the meal plan? Most importantly dont beat yourself up, its ok! Just do your best, if caught in a situation where you dont have your planned meal make the best decision you can. If you are going out to eat check out this 6 page Healthy Eating Restaurant Guide I have made for you.Healthy Eating Restaurant Guide The 10 Day Body Reset
FAQs I have knee pain, is this workout ok? There are exercise modifications for every exercise, these workouts were designed for all fitness levels. When it comes specifically to the knees, just take it easy. All the workouts are timed so go slower and dont go as deep. Listen to your body! Do I have to take the Body Balance? Nope. If you dont feel comfortable drinking it you dont have to! This stuff has just changed my life and wanted to offer that opportunity to you. Can I get everything at my local grocery store? 99% of it you can. There may be 1 or 2 things you have to get at a natural grocery store. Do I REALLY have to look in the mirror and find something I like about my body? Yes...wait, I mean HELL YES! Ha! If you do any one thing off this program THIS would be it! Yes, it is that important. If you deiced to skip this step you are choosing to gain the weight back and never be truly healthy. Your relationship with your body is THAT powerful! (hear me talk about this- watch video)(hear me talk about this- watch video) The 10 Day Body Reset