Poetry. Poetryconcentrated language consisting of rhythm and sound Proseeveryday language.


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Presentation transcript:


Poetryconcentrated language consisting of rhythm and sound Proseeveryday language

Metrical Writing Meterregular rhythm in language Broken into Syllables: UUnstressed /Stressed

Metrical Lines 1. A one-foot line is called monometer. 2. A two-foot line is called dimeter. 3. A three-foot line is called trimeter. 4. A four-foot line is called tetrameter. 5. A five-foot line is called pentameter. 6. A six-foot line is called hexameter. When it is a pure iambic line, it may be called an alexandrine. 7. A seven-foot line is called heptameter. 8. A eight-foot line is called octameter.

Metrical Feet & Symbols 1.iamb: a light stress followed by a heavy stress. U / 2.trochee: a heavy stress followed by a light stress. / U 3.dactyl: a heavy stress followed by two light stresses. / U U 4.anapest: two light stresses followed by a heavy stress. U U / 5.spondee: two equal stresses. - -

This above all to thine own self be true.

U /U /U/ U / This above all to thine own self U / be true.

U /U /U/ U / This above all to thine own self U / be true.

Pentameter Penta5 Meterregular rhythm in language Pentametera regular rhythm reoccurring five times in one line of poetry Iambic PentameterA line of poetry consisting of five iambs

Rhyme Scheme The frequency or pattern where the last word in a line of poetry rhymes with the last word in other lines. When the stars threw down their spears a And waterd heaven with their tears, a Did He smile His work to see? b Did He who made the lamb make thee? b (William Blake, The Tyger)

Blank Verse Unrhymed Iambic Pentameter The last a line of poetry consisting of word of five iambs each line doesnt rhyme

Length, Breadth, & Rhyme Coupletaa bb cc dd, etc. Tercet, ot Tripletaaa bbb ccc ddd, etc. Quatrainabab cdcd, etc. Terza Rimaaba bcb cdc ded, etc. Spenserian Stanzaabab bcbc c (the first eight lines are always iambic pentameter; the final line is always an alexandrine).

Sonnet The sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines; traditionally it uses iambic pentameter. Italian sonnetabba abba cdd cee English sonnetabab cdcd efef gg

Sounds Alliterationthe repetition of the initial sound of words in a line or lines of verse. Assonancethe repetition of vowel sounds within words in a line or lines of verse. Onomatopoeiathe use of a word that, through its sound as well as its sense, represents what it defines.

Figurative Language The language of the poem is also the language of one thing compared to another thing. In figurative language, a familiar thing is linked to an unknown thing, as a key, to unlock the mystery, or some part of the mystery, of the thing that is unknown.

Similea comparison using like or as Metaphoran implicit rather than an explicit comparison. Personificationwhen one gives a physical characteristic or innate quality of animation to something that is inanimate, or to an abstraction. Allusiona reference to something that belongs properly to a world beyond the specific sphere of the poem. Universal Imagesimages, characters, motifs, or patterns that recur in the myths, dreams, oral traditions, songs literature, and other texts of peoples widely separated by time and place. Figurative Language