Sea Power and Maritime Affairs Lesson 15.15: The Era of Retrenchment: Presidents Ford and Carter,
Enabling Objectives Understand the U.S. Navy under President Gerald Ford and the political and economic factors that contributed to the viewpoint of President Jimmy Carter regarding the U.S. Navys role in military strategy and foreign affairs.Understand the U.S. Navy under President Gerald Ford and the political and economic factors that contributed to the viewpoint of President Jimmy Carter regarding the U.S. Navys role in military strategy and foreign affairs. Understand the evolution of strategic thinking and the defense policy during the Carter administration and the internal political factors influencing these policies.Understand the evolution of strategic thinking and the defense policy during the Carter administration and the internal political factors influencing these policies. Comprehend the policy goals that preceded the President Ronald Reagan defense buildup and the internal political situation that enabled it.Comprehend the policy goals that preceded the President Ronald Reagan defense buildup and the internal political situation that enabled it.
President Gerald Ford ( ) August 9, 1974August 9, Nixon resigns
Watching South Vietnam Go Under Congress refused to fund $1 billion in military aid to South Vietnam, promised by Nixon.Congress refused to fund $1 billion in military aid to South Vietnam, promised by Nixon. 30 April 1975: N. Vietnamese forces overran South Vietnam.30 April 1975: N. Vietnamese forces overran South Vietnam. –South Vietnamese surrender. Operation Frequent WindOperation Frequent Wind –U.S. Embassy in Saigon evacuated –7 th Fleet carriers evacuated almost 9,000 from Saigon.
Postwar Problems for U.S. Navy Impact of VietnamImpact of Vietnam –Hiatus in shipbuilding –Inadequate Funding –High personnel costs Aging WWII fleetAging WWII fleet Skyrocketing procurement costs.Skyrocketing procurement costs. –Bigger, more sophisticated ships –Push for Nuke power: Admiral Rickover
Economic Inflation: Technology Costs Pre - Vietnam Post - Vietnam Forrestal = $350 million Nimitz = $2 billion F-4 Phantom = $3 million F-14 Tomcat = $23 million Destroyer = $50 million Spruance = $350 million By 1975, the Navys 200 th anniversary, the Navy had less than 500 ships.
CNO from 1 July CNO from 1 July –Youngest CNO at 50 –High-Low Naval force. –Proposal for four Nimitz class carriers. USS Nimitz commissioned in 1975.USS Nimitz commissioned in –Aegis defense cruisers to defend the high valued carriers from anti-surface missiles. Admiral Elmo Zumwalt
Decline of the U.S. Navy Under President Carter ( ) Background:Background: –Inherited popular antimilitary attitude –Inherited a reduced Navy composed of older ships Diplomacy:Diplomacy: –Believed containment could be achieved through diplomacy –Did not think the Soviets were a world threat-just a threat to Europe.
The Carter Naval Policy The President did not support naval expansion.The President did not support naval expansion. He de-emphasized the presence mission of the Navy.He de-emphasized the presence mission of the Navy. He limited the conceptual basis for the Navys size- Proposed a one ocean Navy.He limited the conceptual basis for the Navys size- Proposed a one ocean Navy. SLOC protection and support of the major U.S. commitments to Europe.SLOC protection and support of the major U.S. commitments to Europe.
Iranian Hostage Crisis 1979, Anti-American Ayatollah Khomeini comes to power in Iran1979, Anti-American Ayatollah Khomeini comes to power in Iran –De-stabilizes the region for the U.S. –Since 1953, U.S. imported in excess of $10.5 million of arms sales to Iran. Operation Eagle ClawOperation Eagle Claw –Failed rescue attempt of 52 Americans from embassy. USSR invades AfghanistanUSSR invades Afghanistan
Enabling Objectives Understand the U.S. Navy under President Gerald Ford and the political and economic factors that contributed to the viewpoint of President Jimmy Carter regarding the U.S. Navys role in military strategy and foreign affairs.Understand the U.S. Navy under President Gerald Ford and the political and economic factors that contributed to the viewpoint of President Jimmy Carter regarding the U.S. Navys role in military strategy and foreign affairs. Understand the evolution of strategic thinking and the defense policy during the Carter administration and the internal political factors influencing these policies.Understand the evolution of strategic thinking and the defense policy during the Carter administration and the internal political factors influencing these policies. Comprehend the policy goals that preceded the President Ronald Reagan defense buildup and the internal political situation that enabled it.Comprehend the policy goals that preceded the President Ronald Reagan defense buildup and the internal political situation that enabled it.
Battle History Video Chapter 4 Second to None,Chapter 4 Second to None, Time 00: :04.Time 00: :04.
Questions? Next time: The US Navy from the Maritime Strategy to 9-11,