Drishtee Maternal Health-care Project 2010
MRs X Mrs X died last month, giving birth to a child in a small hospital
Why did Mrs. X died ? The doctor said the condition wasAnte partum Hemorrhage That means the female develops bleeding after delivery due to low position of the fetus Every one was satisfied with the explanation But we will walk on the road of Mrs X to find out what happened with her.
Lets go back and find out what happened with Mrs X......
Mrs X was admitted with severe blood loss but she could receive only 500cc Her operation at the hospital started late as it took her four to travel to the hospital
Could she be saved ? If she reached the hospital in time and received the right amount of blood the life could be saved But as she was not informed that she must arrange the blood and transportation prior the delivery
She also had few minor episode of bleeding, which is very dangerous sign during a pregnancy but no one told her about this hence no action was taken in time
Lets go a little back into her life
Beginning of the pregnancy Mrs X was not a healthy female from the beginning She was anemic Which means she had less iron reserves and she could not afford any blood loss This could be corrected with small treatment like taking the iron capsules but she was not aware of the condition
Going back further She was 39 with 5 kids She never wanted more kids but was unaware of the method of family planning If this pregnancy never happened, Mrs X would be alive
Mrs X died because of lack of information
What are we going to do? We (Me and you all) will find out every Mrs X in our village. We will teach Mrs X the right care during pregnancy We will take her to the right place of care
To help Mrs X, we all must know the proper care required Therefore, to help Mrs X in the community, I request all of you to participate in this training. Please attend the training daily & ask questions whenever you have doubts With this request, I wish all of us the very best for the mission