Contact between the countries as we see it it
Bulgaryan - Hungary Connect our countries the gardeners The Bulgarian gardeners arrived into our homeland in the 19. century and the special growing of vegetables culture was spread. dolap
Bem Josef a Polish general fought in the Hungarian war of independence. Polish-Hungary Connect our countries the history I.Béla a Hungarian king married a Polish sovereign's girl, Richeza. Their son, Sainkt László were Hungarian kings.
Connect our countries the beauty of nature, Danuvius and Tisza and Körös rivers and the Kárpátok mountain range. Romanian - Hungarian
Turkish - Hungary Connect our countries the history and words alma – elma balta – balta bicska – bıçak csizma - çizme tepszi - tepsi teve - deve tarhonya – tarhana pogácsa – poğaça sapka – şapka
► Aragóniai Konstancia was the Hungarian queen with first known Spanish ancestry, Imre pricess ( ) his wife. ► I. Jakab spanis king married two Hungarian princess, Sainkt Elisabeth, after Jolanta (Nos Violant d'Hongria ) it. ► and o ur folk music similarly emotional. Spanish-Hungarian Connect our countries the history and mentality
French - Hungarian Art liking we are - many Hungarian artists traveled and into lived France. Victor Vasarely (Vásárhelyi Győző) Nicolas Schöffer (Schöffer Miklós) Brassai - friends of Picasso (Gyula Halász) Michel Gyarmaty (Gyarmaty Mihály) Cziffra György André Kertész