An Afternoon With Allah's Word


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Presentation transcript:

An Afternoon With Allah's Word In Qur'an We Trust An Afternoon With Allah's Word

Surah An-Nur

Allah is the Light of the heaven and the earth Allah is the Light of the heaven and the earth. The example of His Light is that of a niche in which there is a lamp. Verse 35

The lamp is in a glass – the glass looks like a brilliant star – it is lit by (the oil of) a blessed tree, the olive, which is neither eastern, nor western. Verse 35

Its oil is about to emit light even if the wire has not touched it – (it is) light upon light. Verse 35

Allah guides to His light whomsoever He wills. Verse 35

And Allah describes examples for the people, and Allah knows everything well. Verse 35

Surah Qaf

Qaf. (I swear) by the Glorious Qur’an, (you are sent as a messenger). Verse 1

But they wonder that a Warner has come to them from among themselves, so the disbelievers said, “This is something strange.”. Verse 2

Is it when we die and become dust (that we will be brought to life again?) That is a return, far (from understanding!) Verse 3

We know very well how much of them is diminished by the earth, and We have a Book that records everything. Verse 4

Rather, they reject the truth when it came to them; so they are in a confused state. Verse 5

Did they not, then, look to the sky above them, how We have built it and beautified it, and it has no cracks?. Verse 6

And the earth – We have spread it out, and cast on it firm hills, and caused to grow therein every kind of delightful things, Verse 7

As a source of vision and as a lesson to every slave (of Allah) who turns (to Him for guidance). Verse 8

And We have sent down blessed water from the sky, and caused to grow therewith gardens and grain of harvest. Verse 9

And towering date palms that have spadices, put one upon another, Verse 10

As a provision to the slaves (of Allah) As a provision to the slaves (of Allah). And We gave life with it to a dead land. Similar will be the exit of the dead from their graves. Verse 11

It (Resurrection) was rejected prior to them by the people of Nuh, and the people of Rass and Thamud. Verse 12

And Ad, and Fir’aun and the brothers of Lut. Verse 13

And dwellers of Aykah, and the people of Tubba’ And dwellers of Aykah, and the people of Tubba’. Each one of them rejected the messengers; so My threat came true. Verse 14

Is it then that We were worn out by the first creation Is it then that We were worn out by the first creation? No, but they are in confusion about the new creation. Verse 15

And indeed We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein, Verse 16

When the two receiving angels receive (every human act to record it), seated (one) on the right and (one) on the left. Verse 17

Not a single word is uttered by one, but there is a watcher near him, ready (to record). Verse 18

And the stupor of death has (to) come with truth And the stupor of death has (to) come with truth. That is what you tried to escape. Verse 19

And the horn will be blown And the horn will be blown. That will be the day of (which) threat (was given). Verse 20

And everybody will come, along with one (angel) to drive (him to the field of reckoning) and one (angel) to testify (about his deeds). Verse 21

“You were heedless of this “You were heedless of this. Now We have removed your veil from you; so your sight today is sharp.” Verse 22

And his companion (i.e. the angel who recorded his deeds) will say, “This is what I have with me, ready (to be presented as his record of deeds).” Verse 23

(Then it will be said) “Cast, both of you (angels) into Jahannam (hell) every stubborn disbeliever Verse 24

Who used to prevent others from good, who transgressed all bounds, who cast doubts (in true faith), Verse 25

Who set up another god along with Allah Who set up another god along with Allah. So cast him (O angels) in the painful punishment!” Verse 26

His (evil) companion (i. e His (evil) companion (i.e. the satan) will say, “ O our Lord, I did not cause him to rebel, but he was himself (involved) in straying far from the track.” Verse 27

He (Allah) will say, “Do not quarrel before Me, while I had sent to you My threat well in advance. Verse 28

The word is not changed with Me, and I am not a wrongdoer to my slaves Verse 29

(Remind them of) the Day when We will say to Jahannam (hell), “Are you filled up?” and it will say, “Are there some more?” Verse 30

And the Jannah (Paradise) will be brought close for the God-fearing, no longer distant. Verse 31

(And it will be said,) “This is what you were promised for everyone oft-returning to Allah, vigilant (against sins), Verse 32

The one who fears the Rahman (The All-Merciful), without seeing Him, and comes up with a heart oriented towards Him. Verse 33

Enter it in peace. That is the Day of Eternity.” Verse 34

For them there will be whatever they wish, and with Us there is even more. Verse 35

And how many generations We have destroyed before them who were stronger than these in their grip on power, and they searched out the cities: Was there any place to escape? Verse 36

Indeed, there is a lesson in all this for him who has a heart and gives ear (to the truth) attentively. Verse 37

And We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and no weariness even touched Us. Verse 38

So, bear with patience what they say, and proclaim His purity along with your Lord’s praise before sunrise and before sunset. Verse 39

And in hours of night, do proclaim His purity, and at the ends of prostration. Verse 40

And listen: The Day when the caller will call out from a near place. Verse 41

The day they will hear the Cry in reality-that will be the Day of Resurrection. Verse 42

Surely We alone give life and bring death, and to Us is the final return. Verse 43

On the Day when the earth will burst apart exposing them, while they be hurrying up (to come out). This is a mustering, so easy for Us. Verse 44

We know well what they say, and you are not one to compel them We know well what they say, and you are not one to compel them. So give advice, through the Quran, to the one who fears My warning. Verse 45

Surah Al-Baqarah

Indeed, it does not embarrass Allah to use as a parable, a gnat or what exceeds it. Now, as for those who believe, they know it is the truth from their Lord; while those who disbelieve say, “What could have Allah meant by this parable?” By this he lets many go astray, and by this He makes many find guidance. But He does not let anyone go astray thereby except those who are sinful. Verse 26

Those who break the covenant of Allah after it has been made binding, and cut of what Allah has commanded to be joined, and spread disorder on the earth – it is these who are the losers. Verse 27

How is it that you deny Allah despite that you were lifeless and He gave you life, then He will make you die, then make you live again, and then to Him you will be returned? Verse 28

It is He who created for you all that the earth contains; then He turned to the heavens and made them seven skies – and He is the knower of all things. Verse 29

And when your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to create a deputy on the earth!” They said, “Will You create there one who will spread disorder on the earth and cause bloodshed while we, along with your praises, proclaim Your purity and sanctify Your name?” He said, “Certainly, I know what you do not know.” Verse 30

And He taught Adam the names, all of them; then presented them before the angels, and said, “Tell me their names, if you are right.” Verse 31

They said, “To you belongs all purity They said, “To you belongs all purity! We have no knowledge except what You have given us. Surely, You alone are the all-knowing, all-wise.” Verse 32

He said, “O Adam, tell them the names of all these He said, “O Adam, tell them the names of all these.” When he told them their names, Allah said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the skies and of the earth, and that I know what you disclose and what you have been concealing.” Verse 33

And when We said to the angels: “Prostrate before Adam And when We said to the angels: “Prostrate before Adam!” So, they prostrated all but Iblis. He refused, and joined the infidels. Verse 34

And We said, “O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise, and eat at pleasure wherever you like, but do not go near this tree or you shall join the transgressors.” Verse 35

Then, Satan caused them to slip from it, and brought them out of where they had been. And We said, “Go down, you all, some of you enemies of some; and on the earth there will be for you a dwelling place and enjoyment for a time.” Verse 36

Then Adam learnt certain words (to pray with) from his Lord; so, Allah accepted his repentance. No doubt He is the Most-Relenting, the Very-Merciful. Verse 37