Social Media Marketing Mark O'Leary -
Social Media & Website Goals Improve Search Engine Placement Increase the number of site visitors Mark O'Leary -
Business Goals Increased Brand Awareness More Enquiries More Sales Better ROI Mark O'Leary -
Targeted Social Networks Facebook Twitter You Tube Linked In Pintrest Flickr Slideshare Any others that suit your business Mark O'Leary -
Do I need a website Not Necessarily Each site can act independently and you can achieve your business goals on each site However Why not centralise your business goals and direct the traffic toward that one area More Measurable Mark O'Leary -
First Step - Measure You cant track improvement unless you first measure your current status Mark O'Leary -
What should I measure? Current social media activity if any Number of visitors coming to your site How many come from each of the social media sites? How many come from other sources? What pages do they like? What pages turn them off? Where do they exit the funnel? Mark O'Leary -
How do I Measure? Social Media Tracking Facebook Insights Twitter - media/best-free-twitter-analytics-tools/ media/best-free-twitter-analytics-tools/ Mark O'Leary -
Facebook Insights Mark O'Leary -
Website Stats Google analytics Free Loads of Features Easy to setup Track at least a months activity Mark O'Leary -
What Next? Set Social Media Goals What is the one thing I want to achieve with my campaign? Build a Facebook following? Drive traffic to my site? Build brand awareness on Twitter? Showcase products on Pintrest or Flickr? Mark O'Leary -
And Set a timeframe and goal for a campaign. It must be measurable. Examples 1000 likes on my Facebook business page in 30 days 100% increase in site visitors in 3 months 10 extra enquiries on my website each week Mark O'Leary -
So Far You know where you stand You know what you want You know how long it should take Before you begin your social media campaign ask yourself: Is my website ready? Mark O'Leary -
Is my website ready? Is my site acceptable for viewing? Is my site current? Do I have complete control over my content? Does my site have appealing content to draw visitors in? Can I encourage my visitors to signup/buy? Is my site fast? Mark O'Leary -
Starting your Social Media Campaign Signup Link your social media accounts Find friends and acquaintances Thank people for following you and being your friend Mark O'Leary -
Post(Write) Post something interesting that others will be interested in Include a link back to the original content on your site Dont beat people over the head with the hard sell – make it sound appealing Post links to other websites that you find interesting Mark O'Leary -
Comment and Reply Comment on others posts Reply to those who comment on your post Reminds them that you exist Shows them that you are interested in a certain topic – even better if that topic is in your market area All of their followers or friends will see your content Mark O'Leary -
Promote Other Peoples Content Retweet or share Goodwill trade-off Likely to be reciprocated Mark O'Leary -
Specific Tips for Different Networks - Facebook Create an informative business page Ask friends to like your page Post interesting comments on your business page, not press releases Run a competition for those who like your business page Thank people for liking your page Reply to comments Get your own Facebook URL Mark O'Leary -
Twitter Create a good profile Tweet regularly Include link to your web page in the tweet Include hash tags #socialmedia Geolocated hash tags #socialmedia #ireland Retweet regularly Reply often Thank followers Automate using Tweetdeck Mark O'Leary -
Linked In For Business Let customers find you Post to show your industry knowledge Business status updates and achievements Endorsements Recommendations Search for employees Mark O'Leary -
Slideshare Make use of your presentations Share on other networks too Place the transcript on your website if you are short of content Mark O'Leary -
Track Your Time Time is money Automate where possible Connect Accounts Wordpress -> Facebook, Twitter and others Outsource? Mark O'Leary -
Measure and Refine Measure and refine as you progress Change the focus if necessary Ensure your site continues to support your social networks Mark O'Leary -
Lookback and learn What went well? What went wrong? If you didnt reach your goal, why? How can you improve your next campaign? Mark O'Leary -