Skills Audit for Migrants Checklist for life-skills/competences self assessment produced by:
Presentation Contents The Skills Audit Instrument Definition of Life-Skills/ Competencies Background Work Environment and Labour Market Changes Situation of Migrants Goals of Working with the Instrument Application Where? Methods Time Requirements Practical Handling Qualification Requirements of Experts Involved Audit Description Contact produced by:
The Skills Audit is: A resource based working method An instrument to identify, value and assess life skills and competences (according to the concept of APEL - Accreditation of Prior Experiential, formal and informal, Learning) An instrument for self-reflection and empowerment produced by:
Definition of Life Skills/Competences „The life skills/competences concept includes a variety of individual performances, which are organised along with personal development to different levels and configurations of mastering/ coping with life and developmental tasks.“ (Oerter/Montada (1998): Developmental psychology produced by:
Background 1 Initial position: produced by:
Background 2 Life Skills/Competences generally are not recognized „In Germany migrants often experience their employ-ment situation and perspective as a cul-de-sac.“ Life Skills/Competences generally are not recognized are not valued cannot be proved are not coordinated with the formal competence/qualification requirements demanded in immigration countries produced by:
Background 3 produced by:
Goals of Working with the Skills Audit Check of work oppor-tunities General reality check Preparation of an action plan Portfolio building Writing a Curriculum Vitae Recognition of formal and informal competencies Documentation of formal and informal compe-tencies Overcoming barriers Self-reflection Empowerment produced by:
Guide for Practice: Settings Counselling centres Language and orientation courses Vocational training institutions Community based organisations Family and youth centres Self-help groups/Refugee organisations Other ... produced by:
Guide for practice: How? Individual case work (needed in hetero-geneous groups) in-depth analysis mutual trust Group work (homogeneous groups) Exchange of experiences and competencies Mixture of individual case work and group work produced by:
Guide for Practice: Time Requirements Total of 10 to 16 hours, dependent on setting, sometimes 4-6 Several sessions (4 - 10) Creating a frame for self-reflection Producing evidence of formal and informal acquisition of learning produced by:
Guide for Practice: Varia Sequence of questions variable Adaptation to different migration biographies Application and time frame can be adapted to setting Respect for sensitive issues produced by:
Qualification Requirements for Experts Involved Practical experience in working with migrants Ability to motivate and build trust Detailed knowledge of national education and vocational training system Detailed knowledge of national further training system and pathways produced by:
The Skills Audit (extended version 1)
Part 1: Describe Describe 1.6 Migration background (examples) How long have I been in immigration country? What were the reasons why I came here? How do I feel here? 1.7 My personal network: What are my contacts and networks back to home and here in the immigra- tion country? produced by:
Part 2: Produce Evidence/Documentation Documents School reports, credits, employer references Letters Photographs Video and film material Text or music tapes/CD's Maps Invitation letters Products and objects Third party recommendations and references Other ... produced by:
Part 3: Recognize/Identify Key competencies: self-organisation/self-management (4 items) sense of responsibility (3 items) workload and stress resilience (4 items) communication skills (7 items) co-operation and team skills (3 items) intercultural competence (2 items) flexibility and mobility (3 items) organisational competencies (6 items) leadership competencies (6 items) produced by:
Part 4: Transfer to Real Life Selected items: My personal goals Personal perspectives? Stay in immi- gration country, return to home country or migrate to another country? How to use my life skills and experien- ces? What has always interested and inspired me? What am I engaged in and concerned with? produced by:
Skills Audit for Migrants © 2003 Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V., München - German Youth Institute Nockherstraße 2, 81541 München Authors: Monika Jaeckel, Wolfgang Erler Contact: Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Thomas Hummel, Nockherstr. 2, 81541 München +0049(0)89/62306-259; produced by:
Skills Audit for Migrants In cooperation with: FLUEQUAL „Qualifying Refugees“ c/o Tür an Tür e.V. Schießgrabenstraße 14 86150 Augsburg Contact: Tel.: ++49(0)821/9079913 produced by: © Wolfgang Erler, Martina Früchtl