Gateway to better education and health care. Government funding >Budget 2011 provided government funding for services to address the needs of children.


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Presentation transcript:

Gateway to better education and health care

Government funding >Budget 2011 provided government funding for services to address the needs of children and young people in care. The package includes: >Gateway (health and education) assessments >Mental health services for children and young people in care >Funding for early childhood education for all children in state care >(aged 18 months to three years)

Overview >Gateway Assessments are an interagency project between Child, Youth and Family, Health and Education. >Their aim is to: identify the health and education needs early ensure interagency agreement on how to best to address their needs facilitate access to appropriate services ensure children and young people get the help they need at home and at school

Who are they for? >Gateway Assessments are available to any child or young person who: >is entering Child, Youth and Family care >is already in Child, Youth and Family care >is having a Child, Youth and Family Care and Protection family group conference

How it works Child identified as likely to benefit from a Gateway Assessment Gateway Assessment Coordinator Collects existing health information Family health history Determines appropriate assessment Health Assessor Review history Comprehensive health assessment Write health report and recommendations Social Worker Prepare information for use at FGC Completes child or young persons Plan Monitor agreed recommendations Education Social Worker Teacher/Principal (School or Early Childhood Centre) Complete education profile Identify issues affecting education Social Worker Engages with family and gains consents Refers for health assessment & education Profile Gateway Assessment Coordinator Collates information from CYF, family, Health and Education Drafts Interagency Services Agreement with social worker and teacher Facilitates Multi-disciplinary Clinical Meeting Follow-up on implementation of recommendations at 3 months Health ACC Social Worker Health (NZHIS) Well Child Family Urgent health appointment if required Health Referral (with consultation and consent of the young person or the childs family)

Real Outcomes: Real children 15 year old with un-identified tongue tie Rei 20 month old with developmental delay Tim 8 year old with a hole in his heart Harley 19 month old with developmental delay Kate 4 year old with multiple health concerns Sonny

Interagency Services Agreement >Is prepared by the Gateways Assessment Coordinator, in consultation with the teacher and social worker >outlines what each agency will do to meet the needs of the child or young person. It includes: >the key agencies and people involved with the child or young person >summary of needs and recommendations identified from the Gateway Assessment >the interventions and services each agency has committed to provide. >Is discussed and agreed at a multi- disciplinary clinical meeting involving professionals with authority to commit resources from their agency Once the document is finalised, each agency is then responsible for implementing the services that they have agreed to.

National implementation >The rollout of the Gateway Assessment began on 1 July 2011 >There are currently 27 Child, Youth and Family sites in 8 District Health Board areas implementing Gateway Assessments >The remaining Child, Youth and Family sites and DHBs will implement Gateway Assessments by the end of 2012

New CYF Funded Mental Health Services Acute ICSS CAMHS Primary Child Mental Health Service Universal services We have new funding for mental health services to meet the needs of children and young people identified through Gateway Assessment. New primary services >Mild to Moderate mental health = emotional and behavioural needs >1,600 children per year >Average $1,550 per child >Evidence-based family focused services >Starting very soon Extension of Intensive Clinical Support Services > Complex mental health and behaviour > 175 young people per year > Average cost of $14,300 > Evidence-based, family focused services

Primary Mental Health Services 0-17 year olds Intensive Mental Health Services year olds GroupNames of evidence based interventions – Infants (aged 0-4) – Watch, Wait and Wonder We will fund evidence based interventions - Children & young people (aged 3 or older) – Parent Child Interaction Therapy – Trauma and Abuse focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Primary care or level 4 and 5 Triple P – Incredible Years - Young People – Functional Family Therapy – Multi-systemic Therapy These rely on good social worker engagement & case management

Progress on implementation >Primary Mental Health Service Specifications were developed in partnership with the Ministries of Health and Education >An open tender process was run across 6 DHB regions that were using Gateway Assessments to identify providers for the Primary Mental Health Services over December 2011 – February 2012; contracts have been established for service development and delivery from 1 April 2012 >Discussions have started in remaining DHB regions to ensure primary mental health services will be available when children are identified through a Gateway Assessment process >The first Intensive Clinical Support Service will be established in Palmerston North by July 2012

Early Childhood Education funding >CYF funds are available to enable children in the custody of the CE, aged 18 months – three years, to access ECE. >Funding covers up to 20 hours per week or $600 per month. >CYF funding continues if a child progresses to a home for life until they are three. >Beyond three years, all children benefit from the MoEs 20 hours free ECE.

Which ECE services qualify for CYF ECE funding? >The ECE service must be licensed and funded by MoE >It can be a teacher-led or parent-led ECE service >Teacher-led services include centre-based ECE services, kindergartens, Pasifika services, Montessori, Rudolf Steiner schools and home-based ECE >Parent/whānau-led services such as Playcentres and Kōhanga Reo.

More information >You will find more information about the Gateway Assessment Process on the Child, Youth and Family website >Lisette Rawson – Project Manager, Gateway Assessments >Kerry Lloyd – Project Manager, Mental Health Services