Schizo-Manifesto voor Mediacultuur Patricia Pisters - Media Studies University of Amsterdam Machines of the Invisible Manifesto for a Schizo-analysis of Mediaculture
en…en…en… and… and…and…and…
en…en…en… and…
We have grass in our heads … and there are also still many trees
De massamedia zijn dood Leve de massamedia Mass media are dead. Long live the mass media!
Schizo-analysis ‘Connecticut-Connect-I-Cut’ and Catatonia Machine-Organs Body without Organs Clinical and Critical
The delirium is socio-political
‘Why are the Americans bombing Iraq, bombing Iraq, bombing Iraq?’ (…) ‘… they sing ‘We are the world, we are the children…’
A/V culture is an abstract machine The cinematographic image is schizoanalytic in its conception
From ‘illusion of reality’ to ‘reality of illusion’
Power of the virtual
Power of the ‘speech act’
Power of affect
Power of the false