1 GAP Generally Accepted Principles (GAP) … for reporting waste generation and diversion Presentation to: BC Environment Staff 20 th April, 2010 Maria Kelleher, M. Eng., P. Eng. Kelleher Environmental
2 The origins of GAP Strathroy, Ontario - contract awarded on basis of very high diversion percentage (>90%) Strathroy, Ontario - contract awarded on basis of very high diversion percentage (>90%) Contractor who did not win launched suit Contractor who did not win launched suit Key question became what does a particular diversion percentage mean? Key question became what does a particular diversion percentage mean? CSR - volunteered to set up a committee to address issue CSR - volunteered to set up a committee to address issue
3 Why CSR Spearheaded Development of GAP CSR objective - develop and promote cost effective recycling and waste management systems CSR objective - develop and promote cost effective recycling and waste management systems Good data is the key to optimizing waste diversion systems Good data is the key to optimizing waste diversion systems CSR recognized the need for a national approach to data reporting CSR recognized the need for a national approach to data reporting GAP was established to identify a good method to collect good waste diversion and disposal data GAP was established to identify a good method to collect good waste diversion and disposal data
4 GAP Vision GAP stands for Generally Agreed Principles GAP stands for Generally Agreed Principles Purpose of GAP for waste flow is to develop a common reporting framework which allows municipalities across Canada to compare diversion of residential waste management systems Purpose of GAP for waste flow is to develop a common reporting framework which allows municipalities across Canada to compare diversion of residential waste management systems GAP started with RESIDENTIAL waste, moved on to ALL MUNICIPAL WASTE at request of Kootenay Boundary GAP started with RESIDENTIAL waste, moved on to ALL MUNICIPAL WASTE at request of Kootenay Boundary
5 Why GAP? Locally defined rules – diversion reporting was often politically or economically driven Locally defined rules – diversion reporting was often politically or economically driven Municipal search for higher diversion/ lower cost systems requires high quality information Municipal search for higher diversion/ lower cost systems requires high quality information Needed consistent reporting approach Needed consistent reporting approach No right or wrong methods- but need consistency No right or wrong methods- but need consistency Needed a consensus approach to a common methodology that everyone would buy into Needed a consensus approach to a common methodology that everyone would buy into
6 Benefits of GAP To Users Debunks myths about other municipalities are doing better than you Debunks myths about other municipalities are doing better than you If municipal reports do not use GAP, you do not know if their numbers are real or not If municipal reports do not use GAP, you do not know if their numbers are real or not Require others to use GAP to compare to your municipality Require others to use GAP to compare to your municipality Apples to Apples is essential for transparencyApples to Apples is essential for transparency
7 Some GAP Comparisons 2003/2004 Trois Rivieres, PQ 12% Trois Rivieres, PQ 12% Regina, Sask 16% Regina, Sask 16% Winnipeg 18% Winnipeg 18% Calgary 19% Calgary 19% Banff 24% Banff 24% Toronto 31% Toronto 31% Whitehorse 32% (all municipal) Whitehorse 32% (all municipal) Guelph 38% Guelph 38% Kootenay Bdy 39% (all munic) Kootenay Bdy 39% (all munic) St. Thomas 45% St. Thomas 45% Seattle, Washington 46% Seattle, Washington 46% Ottawa Valley 54% Ottawa Valley 54% Halifax 56% Halifax 56%
8 Benefits of GAP To Users Common framework to collect, report and summarize waste management information Common framework to collect, report and summarize waste management information Good guide to putting simple data collection systems in place Good guide to putting simple data collection systems in place –After systems in place, easy to do annual updates Good monitoring tool to measure performance of diversion systems from one year to the next Good monitoring tool to measure performance of diversion systems from one year to the next Good method to keep your neighbours honest Good method to keep your neighbours honest (apples to apples) (apples to apples)
9 The GAP Team - National and Multi-Stakeholder Municipal Municipal – Kootenay, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Guelph, Halifax Provincial and Federal Government Provincial and Federal Government –BC, Alberta, Ontario, NS –Env Can, Statscan, NRCAN Industry and Stewardship Organizations Industry and Stewardship Organizations –MPSC, CSQ, Clorox NGOs and Associations NGOs and Associations –AOMGMR (Quebec) RCA, Canada Composting Council
10 Concept and Approach Keep it simple Keep it simple Collect minimal amount of data Collect minimal amount of data Entry level data collection tool Entry level data collection tool Put all summary municipal data on one page; GAP data creates a GAP Chart Put all summary municipal data on one page; GAP data creates a GAP Chart Started with faxed forms in 2000; moved to Excel format by 2001 Started with faxed forms in 2000; moved to Excel format by 2001
GAP household Waste Flow Chart Summary Statistics A.1 In-Property Managment A.2 Household Waste Generation C.1 Stewardship System Processing Diversion B.4 Kerbside household source separated organics collection B.5 Bulky & Special Waste collection B.6 Drop Off at Depots, Transfer, & Disposal Site B.7 Kerbside household Garbage Collection C.4 Diversion at Landfill or Transfer Sites C.5 HSW Treatment/ Re- use / Recycling C.6 Incineration & EFW C.7 Mixed Waste Processing D.4 Recyclables Diverted D.5 Organics Diverted D.6 EFW Mass Reduction D.8 Hazardous Waste Landfill D.9 Landfill D.10 Other Disposal CollectionProcessingFinal Destination Recovery Disposal B.1 household Component of Deposit, Return & Stewardship Programmes B.2 Household Re-use B.3 Kerbside household recyclables collection C.2 Recyclables Processing C.3 Organics Processing D.1 Deposit, Return and Stewardship Programmes D.2 Re-use D.3 On Property Managment D.7 HHW Re-use / Recycling
13 Data Needed For GAP Population, households Population, households On-site management: On-site management: Backyard composters; Backyard composters; Policies on grass-cycling; Policies on grass-cycling; Organic waste collected in aerated carts; Organic waste collected in aerated carts; Estimates of open burning/burning in fireplaces Estimates of open burning/burning in fireplaces Curbside recyclables, organics, garbage Curbside recyclables, organics, garbage Drop off recyclables, organics, garbage Drop off recyclables, organics, garbage Residue rates at MRF and composting site Residue rates at MRF and composting site
14 Special Collection and Drop-Off Data Categories Recyclables Recyclables just one category Xmas trees Xmas trees Source separated organics Source separated organics Leaf and yard waste Leaf and yard waste Bulky Bulky white goods white goods Scrap metals Scrap metals Tires Tires HHW(HSW) HHW(HSW) C&D C&D Other Other Garbage Garbage
15 Default values in GAP 100 kg per backyard composter per year 100 kg per backyard composter per year 36kg/cap for garburators per year 36kg/cap for garburators per year Diversion in GAP is net of residue – an incentive to reduce residues Diversion in GAP is net of residue – an incentive to reduce residues –Residue default values set at rate to encourage better measurement –Municipality can use their own data, but must show source 5% for MRF residue rate (2-stream) 5% for MRF residue rate (2-stream) –Increased to 12% to 15% for single stream recycling 20% for composting residue rate 20% for composting residue rate
16 Diversion in GAP Deposit, return and stewardship programs automatically calculated per capita for each province Deposit, return and stewardship programs automatically calculated per capita for each province Re-use (managed by municipality) Re-use (managed by municipality) Backyard composting, grass-cycling, Backyard composting, grass-cycling, Evapotranspiration (aerated carts only) Evapotranspiration (aerated carts only) Garburators (if biosolids diverted) Garburators (if biosolids diverted) HSW re-use and recycling HSW re-use and recycling Recyclables diverted Recyclables diverted Organics diverted Organics diverted
17 Recovery and Disposal in GAP EFW mass reduction is defined as recovery EFW mass reduction is defined as recovery –Allows jurisdictions which track recovery separate from disposal to show separately –Most Canadian jurisdictions count EFW mass reduction as disposal Solid and hazardous waste landfill is counted as disposal Solid and hazardous waste landfill is counted as disposal
18 Beneficial Use in GAP Benefical Use Committee 2004 tackled a number of issues Benefical Use Committee 2004 tackled a number of issues Definition of beneficial use; Definition of beneficial use; –Applied mostly to tires, glass, low quality compost, chipped wood How to address material use within landfill boundaries How to address material use within landfill boundaries –Should glass for roadbed construction, etc. be counted as a lower value than glass returned to glass manufacture Are all beneficial uses considered diversion Are all beneficial uses considered diversion
19 GAP Status in 2004 Decisions on GAP approach and rules made by National multi-stakeholder team Decisions on GAP approach and rules made by National multi-stakeholder team –Rules change over time –Meetings every three months by conference call 40 communities in Canada had GAP charts on CSR website 40 communities in Canada had GAP charts on CSR website 15 UK GAPs on website 15 UK GAPs on website Designed process to generate GAP chart automatically from Ontario Datacall process Designed process to generate GAP chart automatically from Ontario Datacall process GAP envisioned as permanent work in progress, GAP envisioned as permanent work in progress, –would continue to evolve with more municipal input
20 GAP Status in 2010 Statistics Canada added GAP to bi-annual reporting 2006 Statistics Canada added GAP to bi-annual reporting 2006 National GAP Committee no longer active as of 2004 National GAP Committee no longer active as of 2004 Ontario adopted GAP for municipal benchmarking and performance reporting 2001 Ontario adopted GAP for municipal benchmarking and performance reporting 2001 WDO adopted GAP for diversion and disposal reporting 2005 WDO adopted GAP for diversion and disposal reporting /2007 WDO developed verification protocols 2006/2007 WDO developed verification protocols –Tests to ensure reported numbers reasonable –default values for cases where data not measured GAP diversion value for 200 municipalities posted on WDO website annually based on Datacall results GAP diversion value for 200 municipalities posted on WDO website annually based on Datacall results
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