Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Graduate School information session 14 th March, 2011 Cees de Bont, Dean – Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
2 Programme 9:00Opening Cees de Bont, Dean – Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering 9:15Plenary presentation Karel Luyben, Rector Magnificus 9:35 Panel discussion – Graduate School Control Group 10:00 Coffee – split up in 3 groups Session 1: PhD supervision – Cees de Bont, Karel Luyben, Evert Slob (CiTG), Julien van Campen (PhD LR), Renee Wever (IO) Session 2: Doctoral Education – Marcel Reinders (EWI), Frank van der Hoeven (BK) Session 3: Graduate Office – Anka Mulder (O&S), Nynke Jansen (HR) 11:00 Plenary session Cees de Bont
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Graduate School Delft University of Technology 14 th March, 2011 Karel Luyben, Rector Magnificus
4 PhD Student Not just an average employee…
5 which means.. -we are responsible for providing them with an education -they need to leave with skills that are of added value in the rest of their career -they are entitled to good supervision -their educational programme needs to be supported within the organisation
6 Why a Graduate School at Delft University of Technology? - Advance and warrant the quality of supervision of PhD students -PhD students are more likely to finish their PhD within 4 years and have better job prospects both within and outside (international) academia. -Promote TU Delft as an excellent research university and place to pursue a PhD
7 Main reasons from survey Promood 2005: PhD students saw their supervision as inadequate - in terms of supervision time spent on them - in some cases also in terms of personal contact and expert-knowledge These problems are encountered most at the end of the project, and by non-european PhD students Lack of clarity on the research project Difficulties related with publishing articles Why does a PhD student ‘drop out’ ?
8 Case for change Currently more than 25% does not finish their PhD Aim is to decrease that to 10% Based on PhD student numbers September 2010 and an average promotion time of 5 years this would bring us per year: 60 more completed PhD’s 60 x = 5.6 Million Euro in promotion bonus
9 Graduate School cornerstones The relationship between the PhD student and Supervisor an education in research Doctoral education learning on the job research related training transferable skills Graduate School organisation TU Delft Graduate School / Office Faculty Graduate Schools / Offices
10 Graduate School at university level For the PhD Student: Doctoral Education Clarity on the promotion process & available support Front office Being part of the Delft PhD community Career counsellor & PhD psychologist What’s in it for me?
11 Graduate School at university level For the supervisor: Masterclass supervision Workshop intercultural communication Country factsheets What’s in it for me?
12 Graduate School at faculty level For the PhD Student: Discipline related Doctoral Education Network of PhD students within the faculty Mentor Diploma Supplement What’s in it for me?
13 Graduate School at faculty level For the supervisor: Support with recruitment and selection HR instruments specifically for PhD’s Sparring partner: Director GS Practical support: Graduate Office Monitoring of Progress What’s in it for me?
14 Graduate School principles Focus stays on research at the faculty, within a department Relationship between PhD student and supervisor(s) is crucial The Delft University of Technology Graduate School is made up of the faculty graduate schools Authority stays with the faculties, who will all have a graduate office to better facilitate the PhD process There will be more attention for quality demands on process and progress
15 Implementation Pilot in progress since January 2011 April 2011: start of career counsellor & psychologist Summer: start University Graduate Office, and some Faculty Graduate Offices September: start Doctoral Education Autumn: improve selection process improve quality of supervision December: evaluation 2012: formal start
16 Panel Discussion Graduate School control group: Karel Luyben – chair Frank van der Hoeven – BK Frank Sanders – CiTG Marcel Reinders – EWI Pieter Jan Stappers – IO Fulvio Scarano – LR Peter Wieringa – 3ME Michel van Eeten – TBM Rob Mudde – TNW
17 Subsessions Berlage 1Session 1: PhD supervision – Cees de Bont, Karel Luyben, Evert Slob (CiTG), Julien van Campen (PhD LR), Renee Wever (IO) OostserreSession 2: Doctoral Education – Marcel Reinders (EWI), Frank van der Hoeven (BK) Berlage 2Session 3: Graduate Office – Anka Mulder (O&S), Nynke Jansen (HR)
18 Break up in subsessions & Coffee break
19 Subsessions OostserreSession 1: PhD supervision – Cees de Bont, Karel Luyben, Evert Slob (CiTG), Julien van Campen (PhD LR), Renee Wever (IO) Berlage 1Session 2: Doctoral Education – Marcel Reinders (EWI), Frank van der Hoeven (BK) Berlage 2Session 3: Graduate Office – Anka Mulder (O&S), Nynke Jansen (HR)
20 Questions?
21 Further questions & Ideas Graduate School control group: Karel Luyben – chair Frank van der Hoeven – BK Frank Sanders – CiTG Marcel Reinders – EWI Pieter Jan Stappers – IO Fulvio Scarano – LR Peter Wieringa – 3ME Henny Coolen – OTB Michel van Eeten – TBM Rob Mudde – TNW Stella van der Meulen - Project Manager Graduate School